Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sony Quiet about PS3 Wiimote Speculation

In the next-gen era, Nintendo revolutionized gaming as it had included a motion sensitive controller with its console. It has made other gaming companies like Microsoft and Sony take notice and there are speculations that Microsoft too could come up with a motion sensitive controller for the Xbox 360.

Sony PS3 Controller

As for Sony, it does have the Sixaxis that has the capability to sense translational acceleration along with rotational orientation. Rumors surfaced that Sony was working on a motion sensitive controller that was visually similar to the Wiimote. A little known blog called as PlayStation LifeStyle also indicated that Sony’s purported motion sensitive controller was incredibly responsive and accurate.

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But games news website is reporting that Sony is refusing to comment on rumors that they are working on a motion sensitive controller for the PS3. The rumors also point out that the PS3 motion sensitive controller was shown playing Quake on a laptop and games based on tennis, paintball and fencing are in the pipeline.

What do you feel, will Sony come up with a Wiimote-type controller for the PS3?

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