Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Street Fighter X Tekken on PS3 and PS Vita to Include Pac-Man and Mega Man

As weird as it may sound, Pac-Man will be seen showing off his fighting moves in the PS3 and PS Vita versions of Street Fighter X Tekken, alongside a weird-looking Mega Man. Those wondering how the dot-eating Namco character will come to blows with others can know that he will be seen riding Mokujin during the fights. And the flabby version of Mega Man is a reference to the ‘bad box art’ from the original U.S. Mega Man game.

Street Fighter X Tekken 1

As mentioned on the official PlayStation blog, these two new characters will be seen joining Cole ‘inFamous’ McGrath as well as Kuro and Toro in the list of PlayStation exclusive fighters from the upcoming game. There is still no news about any special characters for the Xbox 360 version of this title. Apart from these, classic fighters from both series will remain the same for all the platforms that Street Fighter X Tekken is slated to release on in March.

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“Street Fighter X Tekken‘s roster is already bursting with fan favorites from both sides, and today we can add two more iconic characters to the list – and in this case, they’re exclusive to PS3 and PS Vita players. Two iconic mascots, Pac-Man and Mega Man, join the fray with existing PlayStation exclusives Cole, Kuro and Toro. However, both mascots arrive in altered forms to create battles unique to Street Fighter X Tekken; Pac-Man rides Tekken’s Mokujin, while Mega Man references the ‘classic’ bad box art from the original US Mega Man,” shared Grant Luke, Group Brand Manager, Capcom, on the blog.

Street Fighter X Tekken 2

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This crossover fighting game is being developed by Capcom. Along with a single-player story mode, online options are also said to be part of this title. In August last year, Mad Catz had announced a licensed Arcade FightStick for the game. It can be pre-ordered currently through the company’s website.

Street Fighter X Tekken will be released for retail on March 2, 2012. It is now available for pre-order for the PS3 and Xbox 360 at a price of 59.99 USD (approx. Rs. 2,965).

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