Wednesday, April 3, 2024

7 Games like inFamous

We’ll be endowing you today with some games like inFamous that are bound to please fans of Sucker Punch’s incredible PlayStation-exclusive titles. Conceived in 2009 with the release of its first game, this series received its second entry in 2011. And even as we gear up for its debut on the PS4 with Second Son which is slated to be released this year, we can’t help but to treat ourselves to similar experiences prior to that. And if you can’t too here’s a list of some of the most memorable titles that come close to offering the kind of gameplay which Sucker Punch’s action-adventure offerings have on offer. These games are characterized by their thrilling navigation mechanics, their superpowers, their open world nature and exciting combat, and all these aspects are covered by each of the games we’ve listed down there. So without further ado, let’s get going with the catalog.

1 – Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

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Just Cause 2 is all about its grappling hook. Protagonist Rico Rodriguez has been equipped with this cool tool which lets him attach himself to almost anything within the game’s open world, Moreover, it also allows him to affix two objects together. And this opens up a bevy of different possibilities that can be explored in terms of navigation as well as combat.

Just Cause 2 is a sandbox game, and kicks in a rather large open world for you to explore when you’re not indulging in its exciting missions. It can be grabbed now for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

2 – The Amazing Spider-Man

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The Amazing Spider-Man

This entry to our roster of games similar to inFamous was actually a tie-in with 2012’s new Spider-Man film. Developed by none other than Beenox, its familiar free-roaming and web-slinging gameplay is bound to delight fans of the Marvel superhero. Moreover, it features an incredible combat system as well, which makes fighting bad guys a treat to say the least.

The Amazing Spider-Man acts as an epilogue to the film of the same name, and it’s story has been weaved brilliantly by its makers. Although it’s available on a variety of platforms, its versions for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii U and the PS Vita are the best ones.

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3 – Prototype 2

Prototype 2

There are frequent comparisons between Prototype titles and Sucker Punch’s action-adventure offerings. Both are identical to each other in many ways, but yet maintain their own charm. Released in 2012 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Prototype 2 takes place in a New York City devastated by a virulent plague that has turned human beings into monsters.

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The story revolves around a shape-shifter named James Heller who can assume other people’s identities and memories by consuming them. This superhero angle is accompanied by extreme navigation mechanics which allow the character to explore a large city seamless by leaping from buildings and using several superpowers.

4 – Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag

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Perhaps the least identical inFamous alternative from this list in terms of its nature, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag is nonetheless a fun game which should appeal to fans of Sucker Punch’s games. It takes the series’ popular storyline, and presents you with a strong historical taste of the time when pirates ruled the Caribbean seas. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag kicks in superb parkour mechanics which make for smooth navigation throughout its environments.

It’s moreover equipped with a truly massive and breathtaking open world which can be explored at will thanks to its naval exploration trait. It’s a next-gen game which means it can be purchased for the PS4, the Xbox One and the Wii U, apart from PC, the PS3 and the Xbox 360.

5 – Saints Row IV

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Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV turned out to be a treat for fans of the Saints Row series which is something that was expected. But its incorporation of superpowers made it a truly amazing title.

Running at super speeds, scaling entire buildings with your jumps, gliding through air and much more can be experienced in a seamless fashion in this game. And moreover, the trademark Saints Row flavor has been infused into it as well. Get it now on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

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6 – Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City happens to be one of the finest games ever made. Developed by Rocksteady Studios, its combat mechanics have acted as blueprints for many other subsequent games.

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Equipped with a solid story consisting of notable supervillains from the DC Universe, it delights with its free-roaming gameplay as well, which involves Batman’s ever so reliable grapnel gun and his cape which can be used for gliding through Gotham City. This entry to our compilation of games similar to inFamous is available now for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii U and Mac.

7 – Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2

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An Xbox 360-exclusive, Crackdown 2 came out in 2010 and managed to take gamers by storm with its stellar gameplay. It’s a sandbox-style third-person shooter that allows you to assume the role of an advanced super-powered officer. Developed by Ruffian Games, it presents you with ample navigation opportunities in its huge open world setting.

Crackdown 2 moreover also includes and incredible story which makes it a great game to treat yourselves to if you’re the owner of an Xbox 360 console. Apart from single-player gameplay, it also contains multiplayer and co-op provisions.


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With that we end our rant on games like inFamous, and leave you with these amazing offerings that deserve to be tried out by you. Do remember to tell us what you thought about them.

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