Sunday, April 7, 2024

6 Games like Saints Row

We’ve scanned our libraries, and have gathered for you some games like Saints Row which should provide you with the kind of thrill, excitement and humor which the said series is known for. Developed by Volition, this series of sandbox open world titles is known for its comedic and wacky elements as well as its pop culture references. Through its mission-based gameplay, it provides you with bountiful entertainment which is hard to forget. Although no other series can ever match the crazy and retarded brilliance of SR, there are some titles which can come close to providing you with familiar experiences. These are the offerings we’re focusing our attention on today. Let’s take a peek at them.

1 – Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs

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Sleeping Dogs tells the story of an undercover cop who’s tasked with infiltrating Hong Kong’s Triads. It’s a reboot and rebrand to the famous True Crime series, and it tells its story with much vigor. As far as gameplay is concerned, you get to hijack and drive cars and bikes just as in SR titles, and moreover, the ability of the main character to jump from the driver’s seat of one vehicle to another is just incredibly enjoyable.

Available for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, Sleeping Dogs takes place in an open world rendition of some parts of Hong Kong, and its shooting and fighting mechanics complement everything beautifully.

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2 – Just Cause 2

Just Cause 2

Featuring one of the largest video game worlds ever created, Just Cause 2 renders you with a large heap of amazing possibilities you can treat yourselves to. These are mostly made possible by its grappling hook which lets you tether two objects together or use it as a traversing device just like Batman’s grapnel gun. With it you can attach moving cars to the ground, grab on to flying planes, affix your enemies onto walls or string them together and much more.

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And that’s just one part of this entry to our list of games similar to Saints Row. Just Cause 2 furthermore, features plenty of other amazing features which will remind you of Volition’s SR titles. It’s out now for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

3 – Grand Theft Auto V

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Grand Theft Auto V

This one’s a no-brainer of course, for there are unending comparisons between GTA and SR happening from time to time. Everything from pop culture references and humor to over the top missions filled with crime and punishment form part of offerings from both the series. But what distinguishes GTA titles from SR ones is that the former goes for a more realistic take on things, while the latter leans extremely towards the crazy side.

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This latest entry to the ever so controversial Grand Theft Auto series is available for the PS3 and Xbox 360, and presents you with the ability to play as three protagonists, switching between them on the fly, no matter where they are in the game’s massive open world. Trademark GTA elements are all there in this title, but it’s the grandeur of GTA V which appeals the most. Whether you’re a fan of such offerings or not, you ought to jump into Grand Theft Auto V as soon as you can.

4 – Bully


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The mere concept of Bully is reason enough to buy it. You play the role of a troublesome student in a boarding school who is forced by circumstances to stand up against bullies. But just as in most Saints Row alternatives, wackiness is the backbone of the whole experience.

Situations you’ll encounter throughout your journey include getting picked on by teachers, playing all kinds of crazy pranks, wooing your love interests and many more. This excellent sandbox game was first released back in 2006 for the PS2, and later for the Wii, Xbox 360 and PC in the form of a Scholarship Edition.

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5 – Prototype 2

Prototype 2

If you’ve played the latest SR game, and have loved its superhero abilities, you should definitely try out Prototype 2. Developed by Radical Entertainment for the PS2, Xbox 360 and PC, it casts you into the role of James Heller who can shapeshift and assume other people’s identities and memories by consuming them.

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And while the ability to quickly jump from building to building and many other locations is mind-blowing, same is the case with the protagonist’s capability to wield tendrils. Prototype 2 features utterly enjoyable gameplay, and its story too captivates you till the very end.

6 – Red Dead Redemption

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Red Dead Redemption

Head back into the Wild West era of American history, and experience this excellent title which delights you through all its aspects. Red Dead Redemption takes place in a large open world setting encompassing Western United States and Mexico. It makes its way into this compilation of games similar to Saints Row on the basis of a number of factors including its sandbox nature.

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You are free to roam around anywhere in its landscapes, and indulge in various side activities, but instead of cars and bikes, you are asked to ride horses. Red Dead Redemption is also a well designed third-person shooter with inviting mechanics that make it hard for you to let go of your controllers. This title moreover, features a superb story that keeps you captivated till the very end. And it even kicks in an online multiplayer mode supporting 16 players in epic co-operative and competitive matches.

Those are all the games like Saints Row which we’d like you to have a look at. Make sure you play all of them, and come back to us with your feedback.

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