Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Mafia II Extensively Uses the Cover System: Producer

Mafia II Screenshots

A few days ago, we posted an interview with the BioShock 2 developers. Now the spotlight falls on yet another game from 2K.

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven was quite well received by the gamers who are now eagerly waiting for the sequel, which is expected to have some really cool stuff. GameGuru.in (GG) had a word with Denby Grace(DG), the Producer of Mafia at 2K. Here is what Grace had to say about Mafia II:

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Denby Grace Producer 2K

GG: Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven had more realistic features than other games in its genre, such as attracting attention of law enforcement officers for minor offenses like speeding, running red lights, and even physical damage to the player involved in crashes. What added realism will Mafia II have?

DG: Mafia II builds on the features from the first game, such as the aggressive law enforcement and then adds more onto it, to give a few examples… the city is much more interactive than the first game with more buildings that can be entered, there are over 100 of these locations… apartments, shops, body shops, restaurants to name a few types. All of these interiors feature a high level destructibility that really adds to realistic feeling of these locations.

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GG: Are there any hand combat moves which will be included in Mafia II?

DG: The game features a very visceral and cinematic melee combat system, it’s a simplistic system that makes use of two buttons for attack and one for evade… combining these together with different melee weapons (knives, bats, bottles etc.) and the player has a whole host of attacks and impressive finishing moves that can be performed.

Mafia II Screenshots 2

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GG: Will Mafia II feature an HUD? If yes, can you elaborate?

DG: Yes the game will feature a HUD, all the things you’d expect to find from an open world game… things like a radar that shows where you’re going, speedometer when in car and other things are communicated to the player through the HUD. One thing that is key is that we keep things as minimized and also as sympathetic to the era as possible… we want to keep the immersion as much as is possible and not have the HUD get in the way of that.

GG: Will players be able to command any other vehicles besides car? Like maybe an airplane or a bike?

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DG: The player can use the vehicles that you’d expect a Mafia guy in the 1940/1950’s to drive, there are over 50 of these realistically modeled vehicles that the player can make use of throughout the game, so unfortunately that said you won’t be flying an airplane we’ll leave that to the well qualified pilots of Empire Bay.

Mafia II Screenshots 2

GG: Will Mafia II have any intelligent cover systems? And what is the level of interactivity in the game?

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DG: We make pretty extensive use of a cover system throughout the game. We want the combat in Mafia II to be realistic and dangerous, as such we need to give players the tools to evade such danger, a cover system allows us to do this. Also the cover system is used throughout the game as a means to hide and stay out of sight behind the geometry in the city, whether it be to duck out of sight of some nearby cops or whether it is to sneak around a premises and avoid detection by some guards.

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