Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Elden Ring Mod With Seamless Co-Op Coming This Week

Elden Ring

The kind of game that Elden Ring is, makes it quite helpful to have someone by your side as you try to slay its massive enemies. However, its extremely limited native co-op mode leaves a lot to be desired. Someone has now come up with a solution in the form of a mod that brings seamless co-op to the game and it’s coming out this week.

May 27 is when it will be released by modder LukeYui in the form of a public beta, so don’t expect it to be polished. The Elden Ring co-op mod removes all restrictions from the game’s co-op mode, allowing you to play with others as you roam the rich and scary world of Lands Between together.

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For those unaware, Elden Ring’s native co-op mode only allows you to summon a new player in certain areas, particularly where there’s a boss or a den of enemies to clear out. And this cooperation can only persist until either the area boss is defeated, a player dies, or they leave the specified multiplayer zone.

The seamless co-op mod by LukeYui takes away all those restrictions, allowing the second player to horseback ride and even rest at bonfires with you. Of course, this will really lead to a misbalance in the game’s difficulty but with the game already being so difficult, not many will mind it.

Elden Ring still remains one of the most popular games out right now. In fact, upon its arrival, it sold a whopping 12 million copies within just seventeen days, which made it the fastest-selling Bandai Namco game of all time.

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As we said, the seamless co-op mod for Elden Ring will go live for PC players on May 27. A series of alpha testers will be streaming their bug-hunts on Twitch just in case you wish to get a taste of it before installing it.

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