Friday, April 12, 2024

No Room for Mistakes: Atari

Last week, we had reported that Alone in the Dark was delayed by Atari. The reason given was that they wanted time to polish the game. And you have to believe Atari for that as they are taking a very cautious approach and trying to dodge mistakes. David Gardner from Infogrames said that the revitalized Atari business doesn’t have room for errors. Infogrames owns a 51.2 percent stake in Atari.

Alone in the Dark

David Gardner is the chief executive officer of Infogrames. He told video games news website, “There are always competitor threats, because we can’t control the competition. I think the steps that we have to take have to deliver, we don’t have a lot of room for mistakes, and we’re threading the needle a little bit. When you’re smaller it’s just not as easy to recover when things don’t sell.”

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Gardner spoke about this at a publisher event in Paris, France. He also mentioned that they are planning to release traditional videogame products. Also, he pointed out that they do have a lot of interests in online gaming and mentioned about the improving the Flash technology. David Gardner explained that they have an advantage as the broadband speeds are increasing and the omnipresence of connections in the home too.

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