Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Leak reveals unknown details about Tom Clancy’s The Division

With just one day to go for Tom Clancy’s The Division to be released, a huge leak has gone on to give away crucial details about the Ubisoft game. It has come to light that this title will offer at least 26 missions at launch.

The leak has occurred due to some heavy data mining done by a Reddit user, who has also uncovered that Tom Clancy’s The Division will include a total of 139 weapons. And this number does not include the mods that can be applied to these arms.

itsgamerdoc’ is the username the Redditor in question goes by. He has put forth proof of all the 26 missions that will be playable at launch. As pointed out by GameSpot, an average mission took about 20 to 30 minutes to be completed in the beta version of Tom Clancy’s The Division.

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The Division

If it is to be assumed that each of the 26 missions take approximately that amount of time, the game will be over in about 10 to 11 hours to complete. Of course, this will indeed vary according to a gamer’s playing style. Moreover, this does not count the Dark Zone PvP area which is part of this title as well.

Also Read: Microsoft unveils 1TB Xbox One bundle for Tom Clancy’s The Division

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The data mining of Tom Clancy’s The Division has also pulled up proof about missions that will take place in Brooklyn. Although this area was shown to be a part of the game earlier, Ubisoft had said that it will be made available in the form of DLC after the launch of the game.

Like we said, Tom Clancy’s The Division will be released tomorrow for the PS4, the Xbox One and PC. Being one of the most anticipated games of this year, it’ll be interesting to see what it has in store for us.

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