Sunday, April 7, 2024

Do your vehicles disappear while playing GTA V? Rockstar is looking into it

GTA V has definitely turned heads when it made its debut last week, but all is not well for the latest addition in the Grand Theft Auto series. Many players have taken to the web to seek out a fix for a possible bug where vehicles apparently disappear after a mission is over. According to various complaints, this happens to cars that have been upgraded and stored it in the virtual garage.

Rockstar Games has responded to the issue through a post on its support website. The developer has acknowledged the problem, but notes that there’s no walkaround as yet to recover the missing cars. The reason behind the bug is said to be due to players driving a personal vehicle of another character. The company suggests that gamers avoid parking a car in the garage or driving one that’s already stored.


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Disappearing vehicles aren’t the only problems in GTA V. Rockstar has suggested that Xbox 360 owners should not install the second disc onto their system as it would cause performance concerns. GTA V made a huge splash when it launched last week. The game managed to breach the 1 billion sales mark in just three days from its release and it’s also said to be ‘UK’s biggest ever video game launch,’ with 1.57 million copies sold and £65 million earned in the first day itself.

Rockstar has noted that a fix is in the works, but hasn’t provided any estimate on when it will be available. Players can subscribe to the support website to receive updates on when the issue gets resolved.

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