Friday, April 12, 2024

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge on Xbox Live

Electronic Arts adds a captivating new game to the already existing exciting line in Xbox Live. The company unveils Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge. This action-packed title is a new installment in the popular Command & Conquer franchise. Gamers can face against some of the world’s toughest commanders while plunging into 50 unique challenges. The latest offering from EA is a standalone arcade game which can be played without Command & Conquer Red Alert 3.

Command Conquer Commanders Challenge

“With more than thirty hours of fun and compelling RTS entertainment, Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge delivers the ultimate RTS gameplay experience console players have been waiting for. Each of the 50 challenges throws players into unique scenarios full of over-the-top twists and challenges. From armies of Japanese school girls and giant Soviet war bears to wrestling legend Ric Flair and more, Commander’s Challenge offers fresh and fun gameplay at an unbeatable price,” explained Wes Eckhart, Producer of Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge at EA Los Angeles.

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More technology, units and new challenges will be unlocked as players make their way cautiously through the dangerous gauntlet. The challenges are filled with a par time which will test the players’ skill and competitiveness. Like the other installments in the acclaimed franchise, this title too includes the high-quality live-action cinematics. This also includes Nature Boy Ric Flair who is 16 time world heavyweight wrestling champion and many others.

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge has a Teen rating by ESRB and a 16+ by PEGI. Gamers can purchase and download the game from Xbox Live for 800 Microsoft Points. The latest title is set to hit the PlayStation Store on the 24th of this month for a price of $9.99 USD (approx. Rs.480).

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