Friday, April 12, 2024

Official PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset revealed for PS3

It’s been a couple of days since we reported about the launch of the SteelSeries Medal of Honor headsets. This time around, it’s the PS3 that’s gearing to up the ante for gaming enthusiasts. The official PlayStation blog recently announced the official PS3 Wireless Stereo headset.

PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset

This latest addition to the PS3 accessories family features 7.1 virtual surround sound. Whether it’s a firefight in an FPS game or racing for the checkered flag, all details of in-game audio cues are said to be delivered clearly. Gamers might want to note that most popular franchises like Gran Turismo and Killzone had been tailored for surround sound audio as well.

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The headset has been fashioned for comfortable use during long hours of playing. What’s more, it’s also effortless to hook up to the PS3, with the included USB Wireless adapter helping do the needful. Gamers can rest assured about an uninterrupted gameplay as the headset doesn’t require any fumbling as far as key buttons are concerned. Yes, buttons like volume control and microphone mute are precisely accessible.

The PS3 accessory is additionally equipped to help users stay apprised on the sound controls, battery status and more courtesy of the on-screen headset status updates. Furthermore, online conversations are revealed to be crystal clear with the high quality voice chat on offer. And the fact that the mic is retractable should make plain listening to music and single player games fun too.

Its an MSRP of 99.99 USD (approx. Rs. 4,508) for the official PS3 Wireless Stereo headset when it hits nationwide retailers in September 2011.

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