Friday, April 12, 2024

Sony Unleashes PhyreEngine 3.0 for PS3, NGP

Sony recently uncovered a new way of employing its PlayStation Move motion sensing technology with an innovative application. The company has now released the PhyreEngine 3.0 for the PS3 as well as the next generation portable system.

PhyreEngine 3.0

A cross-platform game engine, this new creation from Sony’s lab has been engineered to extend an advanced set of tools for developers and publishers. It will be offered as source code under a license, facilitating third-party members along with Tools & Middleware licensees to adopt it for their innovations.

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“We’re very happy to see the popularity of PhyreEngine with the global game developer community” beamed Teiji Yutaka, Senior Vice President, Technology Platform of SCEI. “It has helped demonstrate our commitment to the game developer community and in particular enable smaller independent developers and publishers to flourish on PS3 and NGP.”

Taking into consideration the feedback received from the development community, this engine has been enhanced with robust exporters and a dynamic processing tool. It can be used as a rewritten level editor for delivering a data-driven approach. Additionally, it has been amalgamated with more accessible API and game-oriented functionality such as entities, scripting and integrated physics to enable development of superior titles at reasonable costs.

This platform has been carved out for not only the PS3 and NGP but also Windows-based games. Further, developers can integrate the engine with other popular middleware such as Havok, Nvidia PhysX and Scaleform to utilize available refined technologies.

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The PhyreEngine 3.0 was presented at the 2011 Game Developers Conference and is currently available for the PlayStation platform.

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