Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Best PC Horror Games That Will Spook You and Your Friends

If you’re a huge fan of horror movies, we have a real treat for you. We’ve come up with a great list of top titles from the PC gaming world, only this time, we’re putting the focus on the scariest games out there.

These games will make your skin crawl by reshaping everything you think you know about fear and horror movies. If you love run-and-hide games, as well as going out blasting full-on, we have the most exciting gaming experiences in store for you.

Horror games are so much more than just gore, jump scares, and everything in between. The games on our list will make you use different tactics to accomplish missions and goals and find your way around countless levels.

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Phasmophobia Phasmophobia is one of the most popular PC horror games, easily surpassing and outselling top titles such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur’s Gate 3. The game’s Early Access release ensured a cult following in an amazingly short time.

Naturally, we had to include it on our list. While a horror game in its essence, it offers so much more. Basically, it’s a co-op detective game that requires lots of strategic thinking and teamwork as you venture into the realm of ghosts, eerily quiet rooms, tight and dark corridors, and so on.

Players have a range of gadgets at their disposal, including smudge sticks, a crucifix, a spirit box, and ouija boards for completing tasks. If all this doesn’t grab your attention, we still recommend that you give this game a try. You’d be surprised how intense things can get when various creatures start hunting you all over the place.

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Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus Although a family drama, Metro Exodus isn’t just one game but a multiple-game pack that brings several titles under one roof. Set in post-apocalyptic Russia, Metro Exodus is an action-packed FPS that combines heavy metal music with Wolfenstein graphics and mechanics.

Amidst all the shooting and explosions are mind-bending, blood-chilling, and spine-tingling horror sequences that will keep you on the edge of your seat the whole time. You can either explore the ruins of the world by daylight or fight your enemies by night.

We recommend you choose the pitch-dark scenario as it gives the game a totally different, much scarier atmosphere. You can also consider additional mods and tweaks to make the experience more unique.

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Resident Evil 2 Remake

Resident Evil 2 Remake There is no list of horror games without Resident Evil. Capcom’s most celebrated franchise brings Leon Kennedy back to the zombie-infested Racoon City. This adaptation has everything that the original lacked and more.

While staying true to the classic’s original, the remake of RE2 is still a horror-filled, survival-focused game with entirely new mechanics, gameplay, and enhanced visuals. If you loved the previous editions, you’re going to love this remake for sure.

Imagine everything you loved about the original and then multiply it by a thousand, and it will still not be enough to explain just how gory, scary, and edgy this new edition of Resident Evil 2 is.

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The Evil Within 2

the evil within 2 They say that the best horror games are the ones that make your skin crawl, but you still can’t have enough of them. Well, The Evil Within 2 is one of those games that will keep you up at night. Imagine a scenario from your worst nightmares, and you may have scratched the surface of how horrendous, ominous, and eery this game really is.

Piles of formless flesh and severed limbs have a way of assembling themselves right in front of your very eyes. It’s like that The Thing movie only much, much worse. Pretty much every creeping, crawling thing wants a piece of you.

If you just need breathtaking graphics mixed with a dazzling story, skin-crawling set pieces, and top weapons, look no more – The Evil Within 2 is the right game for you.

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Stay safe while playing games.

Most modern games have online multiplayer modes. If you plan to play online, there are certain dangers that you should be aware of. An even option would be to protect yourself and your gaming accounts by following these tips:

  • Use unique passwords.
  • Avoid sharing too much of your personal information with other players.
  • Only download games from reputable and official sources.
  • Keep your desktop computer and mobile devices up to date.
  • Know how to recognize and report cases of cyberbullying or phishing.
  • Avoid downloading cheat codes as they may contain viruses, malware, ransomware, spyware, etc.
  • Avoid exposing your true identity.
  • Invest in endpoint security tools such as a VPN and an antivirus program. A VPN for PC will help you hide your identity and conceal your approximate location. Since online gaming can get very competitive, it is essential to protect yourself. An antivirus tool will safeguard you against computer viruses.

With just a few precautions, you’ll ensure a safe and uninterrupted gaming experience.


Aside from these games, other fantastic titles deserve an honorable mention, such as Alien: Isolation, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Darkwood, and System Shock 2. All these games bring the best elements of horror games, engaging stories, fun weapons, fantastic graphics, blood-chilling music, and everything else you need to fully immerse yourself in the world of never-ending nightmares.

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