Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Best online games for grown ups

last-of-us Video games evoke images of a teenage boy playing Grand Theft Autos or Call of Duty in his bedroom. However, it’s important to note that video games have evolved so much that grown ups too have a chance to try their hands on them. A modern video game has a well-written story line, character development and so much more. And more recently, we have seen a new breed of developers getting creative with video games. They are developing games that touch on social issues such as immigration and so on. Therefore, video games are no longer reserved for teenagers alone. They can be played by grown ups as well.

So just in case you’re wondering what games are available out there for grown ups, you can check out this list to get inspired.

The Last of Us

This exciting action-based video game was created by Naughty Dog for those who own PlayStation 3 and 4. This is a huge technical improvement from the previous version. The game plays with 1080p visuals and 60 frames per view, thereby making it one of the most exciting video games, visually. As a player, you will take the role of a rugged man seeking to save a girl from the deadly effects of a post-apocalyptic era. Combat is brutal here, plus the opportunity to experiment with you is plentiful.

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The Walking dead

If you love comic themes, the Walking Dead is the right video game for you. You play the role of a teacher who was convicted of murder just before a zombie outbreak occurred. You have to save your life and that of a young girl under your care. Her name is Clementine. Your relationship with this young girl is what creates the emotional hook of the storyline. In addition to this, you have to decide how you’re going to interact with other adult characters – some of them have questionable motives by the way.

Papers Please

When developers say their games are unique, you should take that with a pinch of salt. That’s because very few games are truly unique. But Papers Please is just one of those truly unique immigration inspector games for grown ups.

Basically, in this immigration game, you take the role of an immigration inspector in a country called Arstotzka. The year is 1982, and your inspection needs to be so good that no terrorist will make their way into the country for whatever reason. Your performance is reviewed at the end of the day before you can be paid. You are then supposed to figure out how you’ll spend your earnings with your family. That is how the storyline develops until it gets so interesting that putting it down will be next to impossible.

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Deus EX

This video game was released in 2000, and it beat others flat foot, because it combined multiple genres to bring something that all adult players could truly enjoy. It’s a first person shooter game, role playing game, a stealth game, and an adventure game. You must check it out as soon as you can.

And if you’d like to play games for real money, you can check out new games available to play at Royal Vegas Online Casino. Royal Vegas online casino has too many slot games based on comic books and storylines. You will surely enjoy their rich offering of games which share similar themes to the ones mentioned above.

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