Wednesday, April 3, 2024

256MB Internal Storage For Xbox 360 Arcade Confirmed by Microsoft

There have been many speculations about the Xbox 360. One was that Microsoft was working on a slimmer Xbox 360. The other one was that the Xbox 360 Arcade could get internal flash storage. Well, it seems that the latter is true as Microsoft have themselves confirmed it.

Xbox 360 Arcade

A representative from Microsoft told Xbox 360 news website Xbox 360 Fanboy that they can confirm that the Xbox 360 Arcade will get internal memory. Here is what the spokesperson had to say:

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“We are constantly updating the console’s more than 1700 internal components. We can confirm that we are moving to internal memory for the Xbox 360 Arcade. The physical internal memory is the same size as the previous external memory units, 256MB.”

It seems that gamers who get an Xbox 360 Arcade will now be able to the save the games right out of the box! However, the only thing to ponder is that is 256MB of memory good enough?

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