Friday, April 12, 2024

InteraXon Demonstrates Thought-Controlled Games and Applications

Not very often does it happen that factions outside of the gaming industry are treated to a early glimpse of what’s in store in terms of gaming technology and innovation. Now we have word that Toronto’s InteraXon has demonstrated a prototype of its thought-controlled in-flight entertainment system at a global aerospace symposium. And the response it has recorded is extremely positive.


Attendees at the ‘On the Wings of Innovation’ aerospace symposium included executives from Boeing, Bombardier and the Canadian Astronaut Bjarni Tryggvason. They were pleasantly surprised with the brainwave-controlled games designed for play specifically at 35,000 feet.

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“We think it’s time that in-flight entertainment does more than simply distract you,” InteraXon CEO Ariel Garten explains. “We create in-flight experiences that offer value even after the flight is over.”

“Airline passengers are saying they want a more engaging experience or they want to rest comfortably. InteraXon’s thought-controlled computing offers tremendous potential for delivering on both of those needs,” commented Rod Jones, Executive Director of Aerospace Ontario. “InteraXon has world-leading technology and it’s a marvelous illustration of the kind of innovative ideas that we find in Ontario.”

“InteraXon is working to bring thought-controlled computing out of research labs and into the mainstream,” Chris Aimone, CTO said. “We help companies looking to engage in the exploding thought controlled computing space bring products and services to market.”

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The thought-controlled interactive system consists of a NeuroSky MindSet and a suite of applications created by InteraXon for the conference. This suite of applications includes a meditation trainer to help travelers relax, and an EEG Golf trainer, which not only helps improve concentration and focus, but even helps passengers’ golf game. Check out the InteraXon video below which should make things a little clearer.

The system developed by InteraXon measures the electrical output from the brain and represents it in waves. It reacts to the brain’s alpha waves which are thought to be associated with relaxation, and beta waves which are associated with concentration. The company says that as users focus their thoughts, their brainwaves become the joystick, which can be used to control the game.

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