Wednesday, April 3, 2024

6 Games like MASH

The good thing about games like MASH is that you don’t need a gaming console or digital platform to play on. All you need is a simple pen and paper and a couple of your closest pals to play along with you. So check out our collection of some the best alternate choices which we have discovered.

1. Dots and Boxes:

Here is a famous pen and paper (traditionally) game called Dots and Boxes which we can add to our list of MASH alternatives for you to play. We have certainly been playing this one since our childhood days and it still popular among kids today. All you need to do is take a pen or pencil draw a series of dots in a line one below the other till it occupies the whole sheet of paper. Or download an app.

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Dots and Boxes

Then take two different colored pencils and take turns connecting two dots at a time. The main objective out here is to form more complete boxes without being blocked by your opponent. Since this is a two player game, you can easily keep a separate sheet to track your scores, so that when all the boxes have been occupied, the winner can determined.


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When it comes to the classic paper and pencil mode of entertainment, this pick is probably amongst the first few that will rise to your mind. The basic idea behind this is to figure out if you and your love interest will end up as just Friends, Lovers, Affectionate, Married or Enemies. And like all games similar to MASH, the main idea behind Flame is something fun to do with your friends in your spare time. To start the game, you will first have to write down your name and the name of your love interest on a piece of paper and then strike out all the common letters appearing in your names.


After that you simply need to count the remaining letters and keep that number in mind. The last step is for you to start counting each of the letters of the word FLAME from left to right and repeat the count till you end at a particular letter and when you do that letter will determine how your relationship will turn out. For e.g. if there the number is 4 then you stop counting at letter ‘M,’ which suggests your relationship will end in marriage.

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3. Tic-Tac-Toe:

The third option coming your way is Tic-Tac-Toe. Some people may also know this one as crosses and zero’s. It is pretty simple to play actually, just take a blank sheet of paper and draw a 3×3 grid. Then you and your friend can take turns making an ‘X’ and ‘O’ in the grid, depending on which letter you choose.


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And the first person to make a chain of the letter, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally wins. This one is very easy to learn and understand and be played end number of times. There are also many virtual versions of the game available for you to download and play on your mobile device.

4. Push the Button:

The next one we can recommend is Push the Button. This one can also be played with a group of relatives, colleagues and friends during those dull moments to liven things up. Here you need to take a piece of blank paper and write the names of a certain number of males and females in your group, but keep in mind that this number should be equal for both the genders. Then on the other side write a couple of actions you can think of such as hug, kiss, shake hands, etc.

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Push the Button

Fold this paper into three folds and on the outside of the fold draw a button with a label ‘Push’ but on the other side of the fold write the gender boy/girl. Now the game begins, ask one person to press the ‘Push’ button, then flip it over and ask them to choose a gender. Next, open the paper and make them select an action and finally ask them to choose a number (depending on the number of people on the list and show them the list of names. The person (male or female) corresponding to that number will be the one they have to perform the action on.

5. Hangman:

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How can we forget to mention the world-renowned Hangman on our list of games similar to MASH for you to enjoy? This one really needs no introduction, but for those who want to know the rules, we can lay it out for you. In the beginning of the round you will be given a set of blank spaces where you have to guess a certain word. You start by guessing any letter of the word and if you are right then the letter will be shown in one of the blank spaces.


If you guess wrong then the first body part (i.e. the head) of a stick man will be drawn on a noose. This will continue till you guess the correct word or if the stick figure is complete, indicating that you have lost. You will basically get six turns to guess the right word in the blank space. There are a lot of versions of the game that can be played on your PC or phone.

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6. Cootie-Catcher:

Cootie-Catcher a.k.a Fortune Teller is the last one that we can suggest for you. To play this pick you need to brush up on your origami making skills to make a traditional Cootie-Catcher as it involves a lot of folding of a normal piece of paper which needs to be a perfect square cut in order to get it right.

The objective of the game is to tell the fortune of a particular person based on the color they choose from any of its four corners. It is really easy to learn to make one and is great pass time. Since it’s too complicated to explain the folding technique in words, we’ve attached a video above to show you how to do it.

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These types of games like MASH can be played for hours and you will not even feel bored since they remind you of those idyllic childhood days. In fact, some of these options are fantastic games that you can even play with your kids to keep them entertained.

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