Sunday, April 7, 2024

4 Games like Guild Wars

Check out our collection of the four best games like Guild Wars which we have lined-up for you here. We have created this list keeping in mind your need to play a diverse variety of MMORPG titles like our main one here, so you can directly go online and begin gaming without any further delay.

1. Rift:


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A world of magic and mystical beings awaits you in our first option mentioned for you here produced by Trion Worlds. When you download this one will be playing as one of the ascended fighters who are brought back to life to protect the world of Telara from total annihilation from monsters. As the story goes Regulos, the god of death, has entered the land of Telara and opened the elemental rifts all over the place which releases hostile dragons into the world, so in order to combat this phenomenon the gods of Vigil have resurrected many warriors to defeat Regulos and his alliances of the Blood Storm. There are six different types of powerful factions of warriors that you can choose from in this title and you also have the option of choosing your class i.e. the Rogue, Warrior, Cleric or Mage class. A unique feature found in this pick is your characters ability to choose three souls which are actually skill sets and specialize in these three skills. A proper combination of any three souls can make your character truly a force to be reckoned with. The sheer amount of weaponry, elemental magic and quality visuals all work together to make this pick the hottest title on our list of games similar to Guild Wars for you to play online along with other players.

2. Wartune:


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This is another amazing MMORPG, without which, our roster of Guild Wars alternatives would be incomplete. In Wartune, you will find all elements of a good turn-based action title combined with dungeon raiding and city-building aspects. This pick is very well designed so much so that even a new comer to the RPG genre will quickly be able to get the hang of things. The developers have also kept the campaigning pretty simple out here, i.e. clear the dungeon of monsters and get handsomely rewarded, in terms of gold, experience points and other cool dungeon rewards. There are also many more quests and missions that you can undertake out here on a daily basis, so there is always something to keep you pre-occupied. In case you need a break from the fighting scene you can head over to your city and build towns, structures and other buildings which will you can use to create an army to assist you in battles and generate additional income to buy various items to equip your character with. Here you will get many world bosses and other powerful villains to fight against. You can also take part in epic player versus player battles as you advance in this title.

3. Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter

Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter

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As the name suggests, here you will find a lot of dark dungeons, demons or monsters to encounter and yes, even dragons. As the plot indicates, the land of Neverwinter is the only one left that hasn’t been ravaged by an evil plague. But the dark forces seem relentless in their objective to destroy the land of Neverwinter, so it is upto your character to fight against these powers of evil and save the land. This pick has the most number of races that you can choose to play as ranging from humans to elfs and even a combination of both. Each of these races is completely customizable so that you can give your chosen character a distinct look by altering the color of skin, hair, eyes etc. There are even six different types of classes or styles of fighting that you can choose, for your character to specialize in. And as you gain fighting experience (in terms of points) you will be able to increase your abilities till you reach your maximum potential. Loads of action and adventure awaits you in this Cryptic Studios creation with a lot of rewards and achievements to be attained as you progress in the storyline.

4. TERA:


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The final mention in our selection of games similar to Guild Wars is this magnificent title created by the Bluehole Studio. This one boosts of its extraordinary classification of 7 powerful races that can join any of the eight classes of fighters which have their own strengths and abilities. Each of these classes plays a vital role while engaging in combat against the insurmountable number of enemies and hostile creatures that you run into in the gameworld. The various fighters consist of either the ranged attacks of the archer, the deadly blows of the warrior or slayers and the healing capabilities of priests. The developers have even provided 3 modes on which you can choose to play i.e. solo, mix or in a party. But whatever mode you decide to play, the amount of fun you will get to experience during your gameplay is the same. Among other features found here is the ability to enchant your weapons to enable them to do more damage against enemies or the option to purchase certain crystals that can give an additional boosts to your weapons or armor. The designers have also included a cool combat system where you can chain combo attacks to finish off your opponents with grace and style. And the graphics and visuals out here are only add to all the spectacular action and adventure that you will see out here.


Our above list of games like Guild Wars comes packed with loads of surprises and special equipments that will give you brilliant MMO gaming exposure. These titles are available for you in a free-to-play format as you just need to register yourself with a valid email address or download them from their respective websites.

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