Saturday, April 6, 2024

6 Games like God of War

Many gamers will agree that games like God of War involve a lot of great action sequences. This may be due to the fact that the main storyline itself puts the hero character in a position where he has no choice but to fight through huge armies of bad guys in order to reach his main objective. But they always seem to give the player a lot of excitement and challenging battles they cannot wait to be a part of. So if you are one of these action-oriented gamers then we have a collection of a few good ones mentioned below.

1. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Ubisoft has come out with this final edition of the story of the Prince of Persia titled The Two Thrones. After a long journey home with the Prince’s lady love Princess Kaileena, he is shocked to find his home town under siege. Now to set things right he must battle his way through the hostile city and eliminate the man responsible for all the chaos i.e. his old nemesis Vizer.

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Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

The Persian fighting styles that you loved from the previous versions such as running on walls and swinging from pole to pole have been retained in this one, however the developers have also combined the elements of stealth to this, so that the Prince can now take out enemies by dropping down from above them or by sneaking up to them from behind. But the Prince’s internal conflict with a possessive spirit called the ‘Dark Prince’ is the greatest feature of this one. There are many instances during your gameplay where you will be able to see the otherwise good-hearted Prince turn into his dark and more sinister avatar, where he strikes down foes with his long whip of dagger blades.

2. Devil May Cry 3:

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The next PS2 game which we can add to our list or games similar to God of War is this third installment of Devil May Cry. In this pick your will get to play has the immortal demon namely Dante and fight gangs of satanic elements that emerge straight from hell. As Dante’s evil twin brother has mustered up a strong force from the depths of hell, it is up to you to put a stop to his plans since you have the powers and skill required to the job.

Devil May Cry 3

Your weapons include two identical looking guns that have the ability to rain a shower of bullets on the heads of your enemies, plus you have a massive sword that you can use in powerful melee attacks. The developers have offered you a choice to select your own style of fighting from the different options that are available, so that you are able to fight evil with swagger.

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3. Prototype 2:

Prototype 2 allows your character to fight with a range of god-like abilities. If you have played the first part of Prototype, you will understand what we are talking about, however if you haven’t then you will still enjoy this one. Your character, James Heller is consumed with anger and revenge when his finds out that his family has been killed because of the deadly Blacklight virus outbreak, so with this rage driving him, he swears to hunt down the people responsible.

Prototype 2

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In this pick your character’s fighting abilities the transformation of his limbs into potent weapons such as blades and hammer fists to take down various mutated monsters that you encounter across the city. You can even fly across the tallest skyscrapers in New York and smash into your enemies or even disguise yourself as a soldier or other civilian to execute stealth kills.

4. Assassins Creed IV:

This fourth title of Assassins Creed is the next one on our list of God of War alternatives that we have for you. This pick will have you playing as part Assassin and part pirate in some of the missions as you will get to take part in some epic ship fights against enemies when traveling by sea and thrilling sword fights when on land. There are so many places that you can get to explore and a lot of interesting quests that you can take up at any point of time.

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Assassins Creed IV

The designers have also done a swell job with graphics to give you amazing Caribbean type of visuals whenever you go on the shores of a newly discovered island. This version of Assassins Creed named Black Flag comes packed with loads of adventure whether you’re on land or on the high seas.

5. The Witcher 2:

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Your war trained Witcher, Geralt of Rivia is again the main character seen out here. However in this second one he is unjustly framed for the assassination of the King who was under his protection, so the story revolves around him finding the real killer.

The Witcher 2

You will get a lot of missions in this pick, which include you slaying many intelligent AI’s and other monsters. And you can use a range of potions and other magical abilities along with your insane sword fighting skills to help you overpower them. There are also a lot of fun mini-games which you can indulge yourself in to earn extra rewards.

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6. Darksiders 2:

The last option on our list of games similar to God of War is Darksiders 2. Here you will be playing as an unlikely hero called Death who sets out on a surprisingly humane quest to prove the innocence of his brother. The action in this one is pretty fast-paced and dramatic like our main title in question as Death has to face a lot of enemies from who are both divine and demonic in nature.

Darksiders 2

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The gameplay out here would please any die-hard hack and slash fan, especially during the fantastically designed boss fights. The graphics in this one also have to be commended when you see the amount of detail put into the different themed environments of heaven, hell and the other realms.


These six games like God of War will have your facing insurmountable amounts of enemies before you can reach your main goal. However as you fight through the initial round of baddies, you will get to develop your skills in fighting and learn all the epic moves that your character can use to slay his enemies.

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