Saturday, April 6, 2024

6 Games like Gears of War

We have maintained a list of the best games like Gears of War and decided to share them with you today. You will definitely have a great time playing the following picks especially if you are a huge fan of our main title in question. So have a look at our list below and try out these action-packed games for yourself.

1. Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

The initial title which we can recommend is this latest version of Army of Two titled The Devil’s Cartel. In this Electronic Arts creation you can expect to be the cause of a lot of chaos and mayhem since you are playing the role of special operatives from the T.W.O organization. This version takes you sunny Mexico City where the streets are infested by the notorious drug cartel and your job is to put an end to this menace along with your fellow agent.

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Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

Those of you who have already played the previous edition of the Army of Two will know that your favorite two man team comes with even more brilliant customization options which allow you to personalize the look of your characters and even the weapons they carry. And with the new Overkill feature that you can activate in this one, killing your enemies has never been so entertaining.

2. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction

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The next one on our list of games similar to Gears of War is this brought to you by Ubisoft. Your favorite stealth operative Sam Fisher appears once more in this one titled Conviction, where you will see him using a lot more firepower, which is a drastic shift from his normal silent killer demeanor. When you play your mission out here you will notice that you can easily knock out your opponent unconscious like the previous versions but instead to will have to shoot to kill. And with the introduction of the new Mark and Execute feature eliminate enemies this way becomes a lot easier and faster.

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction

Even though you cannot pick locks in this one, there are other ways in which you can enter building such as climbing pipes or slipping through windows unnoticed. Even though the developers have taken out a lot of staple features from the previous versions the intense gameplay and the awesome multiplayer and co-op features more than make up for that.

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3. Dead Space 3:

The third option we have for you is one more famous Electronic Arts release called Dead Space and in this edition your story will take you on a more thrilling journey and the ultimate showdown between you and the treacherous Necromorphs. And this pick you will have to face will more nightmarish creatures that are quicker and deadlier than all the previous ones that you may have encountered in the series.

Dead Space 3

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You will notice that you character have a special RIG suit which helps him to explore his surrounding more efficiently and also keeps track of his health and ammunition. But in this edition of Dead Space you need be playing alone because of the added co-op feature which allows a partner to tag along with as you explore the icy Necromorph infested planet of Tau Volantis.

4. Mass Effect 3:

Yet another Electronic Arts development which we have added to our list of Gears of War alternatives is Mass Effect 3. In this third installment of Mass Effect you will experience galactic warfare gaming like never before. Since this is a sci-fi based title you can be rest assured that you will get a huge plethora of futuristic weapons and advanced technology to assist you in fighting against your foes.

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Mass Effect 3

And given the extremely hostile and savage characteristics of your foes, you will need all the resources and weaponry that you can get your hands on. As you progress even further into your missions you will keep unlocking a lot of cool upgrades to give your weapons even more destructive capabilities. The designers of this pick have also allowed you to customize the weapons and gear that you carry in order to suit your fighting style.

5. Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

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Searching for more adrenaline-pumping action and bloody battles? Then Warhammer 40000 should satisfy your appetite for such kind of gameplay. And since this is another space based pick set in the unforeseeable future, you can expect a lot of ruthless enemies who will threaten your existence. But once you play as a Space Marine you will realize that retreat is not an option and neither will you need to resort to this as your character is more than capable of striking down huge groups of enemies all by himself.

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

The combat system out here also allows you to engage with huge groups of enemies in violent gun battles and also with melees weapons like knives and hammers. Once you gain enough experience in combat through all the campaign missions, your next step would be to go line and take part in the massive 8 player team matches that take place on a daily basis.

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6. Bulletstrom:

The last option on our collection of games similar to Gears of War is Bulletstrom created by the same makers of our main title. This pick also offers you huge doses of action of the highest intensity, since you are playing in a very volatile environment from the very start of the game.


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But in this pick also your character is able to equip the most advanced equipment and weapons such as the upgraded version of a normal assault rifle and the useful energy leash which you can use to grab hold of your enemies and fling them across the battlefield. One unique feature seen out here is the ability for your character to skill points based on the techniques you use to finish off your foes.


The above six games like Gears of War have loads of action and adventure elements that you are sure to enjoy. These few picks also provide you with a vast array of weapons and other tactical equipment to use during your missions and the gameplay is realistic enough to inspire any gamer to become a professional gun-runner.

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