Wednesday, April 3, 2024

6 Games like Settlers of Catan

Looking for strategy board games like Settlers of Catan that you can play in your spare time? Well, then we have a line-up of six alternate options that are as fun-filled as our main title in question. These are the types of games that you can play along with your close friends or family members whenever you get some time off from your hectic schedules of work and other activities that keep you busy most of the time.

1. Carcassonne:


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Carcassonne is this the first one we have mentioned on our list games similar to Settlers of Catan as this one too will have you using the elements of strategy in order to win the round. The gameplay out here mostly resembles the Klaus Teuber creation as your main aim will be to score points based on the amount of fields, villages of even castles that you can own or the number of followers that you have. The number of players that can play out here has to be a minimum of two and can go up to a maximum of five different players. Since it’s a turn-based game you will have ample amount of time to plan out a strategy and implement it when you turns comes. You just have to hope that you draw the right type of tiles to that will help to increase the number of points that you can score.

2. Agricola:


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The next option we have for you fans of board games is Agricola. In this one also you will need to use all your talents in resource management to gain victory over your opponents. Here you will be taking the role of an ambitious farmer and undertake all those tasks that will help you to build and operate a thriving farmland. You will be dealt with a certain types of cards and tokens at the start of each match that will help you to begin your journey towards becoming a successful farmer and then you will eventually start to make your own plant fields and expand your farm into a profitable venture. You will even get points when start a family to increase your chances of winning. This game will allow you to see what all is required to build a large farm and the winner is obviously the one with the most successful farmland and largest crop that is harvested from all their lands.

3. 7 Wonders:

7 Wonders

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The third one that we can suggest on our list of Settlers of Catan alternatives for you to try is 7 Wonders. Out here you will basically have to build certain different types of structures throughout the round in order to gain victory points for yourself. At the end of the match the player with the most number of these victory points will win the game. But the structures that you build here will have different number of victory points, so you can’t depend on building civilian structures alone, although the game offers you a chance to win through military conquests as well as through building different kinds of Wonders of the world in various stages. With all the different strategies that you can apply in order to win out here, this pick becomes a must play for all ardent fans of board games.

4. Lost Cities:

Lost Cities

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The Lost Cities is another great game that you can play along with one or more players. The design of this game is based on two players searching for five of the lost cities of the world. This game is played with a set of cards that is given to each person at the beginning of the round and ends after a total of three. The winner is determined by the number of points they have gained on any expedition. Since there are five different lost cities that you can pursue, you can change your strategy according based on the type of cards you have in your possession. And if your journey in blessed, you will succeed in gaining the most points for your any conquests that you take up.

5. Kingdom Builder:

Kingdom Builder

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Here is another one which we are proud to present on our list of games similar to Settlers of Catan for you to try for yourself. Kingdom Builder has most of the traits that are same as our main title down to the hexagon design of the tiles on which you have to play on. The gameplay is even almost the same i.e. your job is to secure the most profitable tiles on the board based on the cards drawn and occupy them with the help of settlers. And you have to ensure that those tiles that you select which become profitable in the long run as the person who earns majority of gold will win the round. A lot of interesting elements and challenges will be found in this pick, which makes it a favorite even for a player at a beginner level. This one is enjoyed when you have at least 3 other players playing with you.

6. Alhambra:


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The last one that we can recommend on our list goes to Alhambra which is a building tyoe of game. The gameplay of this one is also pretty simple to learn and understand. Out here you will basically be given a set of currency cards and with which you can purchase certain building tiles to start the construction in Alhambra. All you need to do now is to acquire those building tiles that will match the tile which you had received at the start of the game so that you can proceed in building your Alhambra. This pick can also be played with just two players and go up to six players in a single round.


The above six games like Settlers of Catan are fun options when it comes to casual parties and get-togethers with your friends and relatives. They are also fun for people of all ages (i.e. kids to adults) to play and understand, so you will always have someone to play along with whenever you get bored.

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