Thursday, April 4, 2024

9 Best Arma 2 Mods

So you’ve been looking for the best Arma 2 mods, right? Well, there are numerous options out there, so many that we doubt anyone has actually kept count. But hey, we’ve done all the hard work and have put together a roster of add-ons which are amongst the finest from the developer community. They include audio and visual tweaks for a better experience and fresh campaigns, some frictional and others based on actual events from history.

1. J.S.R.S.:


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J.S.R.S. or Jarhead’s Sound Redeployment Studio focuses on augmenting the overall audio quality as well as bringing new effects to the table that weren’t present before. The main highlight here is the Distance script which adjusts the value of the sound you hear at different distances.

The team has also thrown in additional mechanical audio effects that can be heard when a weapon is close to the player’s face like in first-person mode or in vehicles. This add-on has been in development over four years and there are over 5,500 effects in total that enhance almost every aspect of the game.

2. Advanced Combat Environment 2:

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Advanced Combat Environment 2

As you probably know, the game in question was launched back in 2009. And if you feel that the overall gameplay isn’t all that appealing compared to newer releases, Advanced Combat Environment 2 or ACE 2 is just what you need.

This add-on will enhance everything from weapons to vehicles to equipment, creating a more realistic experience. This release is designed for the Operation Arrowhead expansion.

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3. Project Reality:

Project Reality

Like ACE 2, Project Reality looks to deliver better gameplay through the addition of more visual features and items like HUDs, a medic system, vehicle improvements, better character models, new sounds and fresh game modes. This release is still in beta, so don’t expect it to work flawlessly without encountering any bugs or glitches. It also requires the OC expansion pack to run.

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On a side note, the developer has announced that Project Reality is being transformed into a standalong game which will be a free to play multiplayer FPS for PC. It will be based on CryEngine 3.

4. Delta Force 2:

Delta Force 2

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Delta Force 2 is the first custom campaign on this roster. It puts you in the special Delta task force that’s on an assignment to raid the AL Qaeda regional command office which is located in Zargabad. The main goal here is to find and recover any possible intel like documents, laptops and satellite phones, from the site. This campaign can be played alone or with others (two teams of four players).

5. Chernarus Apocalypse:

Chernarus Apocalypse

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Zombies, the one thing that makes games all the more enjoying, is also available for the title in question through Chernarus Apocalypse. Set on the island of Chernarus, the place has been overrun by the undead and you are one of the survivors that were sent to quarantine the location. To survive here, teamwork is essential and each character is given a single life, so no, you won’t respawn after dying.

The story is divided into three parts and there’s a single player as well as co-op campaign called Dawn of the Apocalypse. This release is compatible with the main game, the expansion pack and the latest DLC.

6. Namalsk Crisis:

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Namalsk Crisis

Namalsk Crisis is a multiplayer campaign (single player also supported, but not recommended) that provides four prologue and eighteen main missions. The game takes place on an island called Namalsk where the NAC, Namalsk Corporation, is conduction experiments on an alien object.

You’ll play as Ryan Goben, the leader of special forces team USMC and Yevgeniy Pecharov from the Russian attack group and experience the story from both perspectives.

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7. The Forgotten Few:

The Forgotten Few

The Forgotten Few puts you in the shoes of Russian commander Mikhail Koikov who leads a 24-man platoon in a counter-insurgent operation. This campaign has several missions which can be played solo or with others.

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The extension allows you to create your own strategies, assign soldiers to different squads and also call for air and artillery support when things get tough.

8. DayZ:


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Just so you know we’ve randomly listed out each mod on this roster. So, it doesn’t matter that the DayZ campaign is at the end of the list, it’s still one of the most popular extensions available for the game in question. Here, you set foot in Chernarus which is a post-soviet state.

The area spans 225km and is free to roam. But there’s just one problem, the entire population has been eliminated by an unknown infection. To survive, you can go out alone or in a team, find supplies and medical items, hunt for food and do whatever it takes to prevent getting bitten by zombies.

9. Invasion 1944:

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Invasion 1944

Invasion 1944 brings various new missions and features based on World War 2. This extension attempts to recreate various events that happened back then through fresh maps, fifteen single player missions and forty levels for multiplayer. From characters to weapons to vehicles, the models have been modified to provide a rich experience.

Honorable mentions:

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Since we can’t detail them all, here are some more add-ons you should take a look at.

Zombie Invasion
Chasing Grim Reaper
Operation Cobalt
WarFX: Blastco:


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Some of the best Arma 2 mods mentioned above require you to manually add the files into the game’s folder, so make sure you read the instructions before starting. Also, having multiple ones installed at a time might cause problems. It’s better to check if the add-ons are compatible with each of them. On an ending note, there are hundreds of other releases out there, so go ahead, explore new options and do share with us any interesting findings.

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