Friday, April 5, 2024

8 Best PSP RPGs

Each of the 8 best PSP RPGs that we’ve assembled here, have their own distinct flavors that just deserved to be experienced by every fan of the genre. With the coming of the PS Vita, the antics of the PlayStation Portable may have become obsolete but the high caliber of the device ensures that it still has a lot to offer to its owners. With its neat layout and a considerable array of functions, it’s quite an asset to have for role-playing aficionados Most JRPGs made for the handheld have garnered worldwide acclaim from gamers.

And with the backwards compatibility of the PS Vita, most of these title can be played on Sony’s latest gaming hardware as well. The eight games that we’ve listed below all contain the right blend of elements needed to have you hooked on to them. Shortlisting them was indeed a very difficult task given the glut of such games available out there. But nevertheless, we’ve managed to finally gather the most comprehensive ones, so that you can wipe the dust off your PlayStation Portables and indulge in some overwhelming role-playing gameplay.

1 – Persona 3 Portable

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Persona 3 Portable

This game is an enhanced remake of the original title which was earlier released only for the PS2. With a thorough overhaul to its combat system, as well a number of other additions, Persona 3 Portable shines as a truly boosted port. Getting to play as a female character was one of the highlights of this game, as this offered a completely new perspective in to the whole story, and eventually presented different outcomes. These and a lot more spectacular role-playing experiences are to be explored in this title which is now available to purchase through PSN as well as via retail.

2 – Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

The next game in this compilation is Square Enix’s brilliant 2008 outing which focused on offering fans a profound insight into the mega-story that is Final Fantasy VII. Its real-time combat was engrossing to its very core, thanks to the ability of players to move the character around even during battle. This gem in the massive Final Fantasy franchise pushed the PlayStation Portable to its limits with its amazing visuals and cinematics. And with the long and comprehensive story as well as its hordes of side quests, this game definitely has quite a lot to offer.

3 – Valkyria Chronicles II

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Valkyria Chronicles II

Valkyria Chronicles II is the game which every fan of the series just has to experience. With a retro setting during the Second Europan War, its story revolves around a military academy cadet school which is ready to go all out against an ethnic cleansing campaign being devised by an evil rebel group. Developed as well as published by Sega, Valkyria Chronicles II creates attractive visuals to gorge at, and its exciting gameplay elements make it a worthy sequel to its predecessor.

4 – Half-Minute Hero

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Half-Minute Hero

The name itself gives it away. Half-Minute Hero asks you to complete almost every of its missions in thirty seconds. The single-player mode of this game alone contains 6 different modes, with each one of them presenting the gamers with frantic action. Its gameplay is a combination of RTS, action RPG and shoot ’em up elements which unite beautifully to render some truly memorable moments. The game was released for the PSP in 2009, and it was only last year that a port named Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax was launched for the Xbox 360 with added features.

5 – Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite which took Capcom’s epic series to new heights when its released for the handheld in 2009. One of the most notable aspects of the game is its online multiplayer mode which enables players to embark upon their adventures along with a maximum of three friends. Excellent visuals are also one of the high-points of the game.

6 – Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

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Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

No studio has redefined the JRPG genre the number of times Square Enix has. It is a fact that should face no denial from anyone in the industry. The original Final Fantasy Tactics was launched for the PlayStation in 1998, and with the arrival of the outstanding hardware that the PlayStation Portable was, the developer decided to update the title and release it for gamers to enjoy it on their handhelds. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions builds upon the setting of the earlier version while introducing new characters and other fresh elements like co-operative and competitive multiplayer.

7 – The 3rd Birthday

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The 3rd Birthday

This role-playing shooter lets you assume the role of Aya Brea, who must fight her way through mysterious creatures threatening New York City. A worthy entry to our catalog, the 3rd Birthday features enthralling graphics that are designed to perfection. Released only last year, this game developed by HexaDrive also kicks in horror elements that keep the excitement up all the time.

8 – Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

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Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Kingdom Hearts games are always fun with their crossover adventures that are set in Disney environments. Birth by Sleep was launched for the PlayStation Portable in 2010, and acts as a prequel to the first ever Kingdom Hearts game which came out way back in 2002. It tells the story about the journeys of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, who are on a quest to locate the missing Master Xehanort in order to protect the worlds from creatures known as the Unversed. Gamers get to play as each of them during different scenarios.


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These eight best PSP RPGs are quite possibly some of the finest titles ever to have been crafted for the handheld. Role-playing is an addictive genre and it sure helps to have games right at your hand wherever you travel. And hence, the PlayStation Portable is somewhat of a boon to fans of this genre. As we’ve mentioned above, you can also download some of these titles on your PS Vitas. So why don’t you play them and tell us which ones are your favorites.

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