Thursday, April 11, 2024

Road Redemption is a tribute to Road Rash and it’s now on Kickstarter

As the developers of Road Redemption point out, there hasn’t been a Road Rash-style game all throughout the last decade. This is one of the main reasons that have propelled them to launch a Kickstarter campaign for it, hoping that fans of the classic bike-racing bonanza would help fund their dream project. 29 more days remain for the campaign to stay active, and already, a hefty sum of 16,434 USD (at the time of publishing) has been raised against the ultimate goal of 160,000 USD.

Road Redemption

DarkSeas Games is the name given by the developers to their company. These former industry personnel are bringing in their experiences of having worked for the likes of Sega, Sony, BioWare, Gameloft, EA, Pyro Studios, Disney Interactive, 2K Sports, EA, Lucasarts and more. The motorcycle-combat racing gameplay of the original title is what has inspired these folks to start developing this game.

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While its design concepts had started in as long back as 2009, it was only in early 2012 that full-fledged development began. The love of its makers for classic skill-based games is what has forced them to make this offering aligned on the same lines as well. They will be trying to tap in on the love of certain gamers for difficult skill-based gameplay which is hard to find these days, with almost everyone being able to complete all games.

The story of the title’s single-player campaign will be set in a ‘nightmare version’ of the American midwest. Players will be needed to jump into the shoes of a recently-paroled felon, who, after 8 years in federal prison, must climb his way back up his/her old motorcycle club. And moreover, multiplayer has also been confirmed to form part of the upcoming game.

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As far as gameplay goes, a ‘complex and rewarding combat system’ has been infused into it, and as can be seen in the video above, everything from the classic chains, lead pipes, baseball bats to machetes, samurai swords, grenades and shotguns will be at gamers’ disposal.


Besides this, the developers of Road Redemption have also confirmed that their initial focus is on PC, Mac and Linux, but console ports cannot be ruled out. Oculus Rift support is also on the cards, and stretch goals for the same could be introduced if the basic funding amount is reached.

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