Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Untitled Goose Game by House House will have you playing a very bad goose

Fancy playing a ‘horrible goose’ bent on terrorizing a groundskeeper in a quiet little hamlet? The makers behind Push Me Pull You have released a trailer showing the pre-alpha gameplay for an ‘Untitled Goose Game’ which will be waddling in next year. Since we can collectively agree that all geese are terrible, House House need not have mentioned that you will be playing the role of a ‘horrible’ goose.

The title appears to be a stealth as well as point-and-click game rolled into one. The trailer depicts a pesky goose harassing a poor groundskeeper who’s trying to go about his daily chores. But it’s not just being a nuisance willy-nilly; there’s a list of tasks it has to accomplish including stealing several items intended for a picnic by the lake.

Untitled Goose Game

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At the top of the to-do list is ‘get into the garden.’ From there on, the actions the player has to perform as a goose involves nothing but mischief. They have to figure out a way to get the groundskeeper wet, steal his keys, force him to swap his hat and so on. Right now, it’s not clear if gamers will be given missions that involve other villagers too.

Everything from the piano score by Dan Golding to the way the goose waddles has a comedic charm to it. Most worryingly, the developers have not said whether or not we’ll get to play the feathery pest on all platforms – PC, mobile and console. As mentioned above, House House will launch Untitled Goose Game in 2018.

Meanwhile, you can check out the trailer below.

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