Saturday, April 6, 2024

Killer is Dead details spring out [Update]

Killer is Dead, Grasshopper Manufacture’s next game, has been detailed by its designer Goichi ‘Suda 51’ Suda through an interview published recently. The main bit that has come out is the fact that this game picks up where the developer’s previous titles, Killer 7 and No More Heroes left off. This will be the first game in the series since those two. However, is not a direct sequel any of them, claims Suda.

Killer is Dead

The interview about Killer is Dead was published by Japanese magazine, Famitsu, but its detailed translation was granted to us by an article in Gematsu. About the setting, it is being said that the moon has appeared in a number of images which can be seen in the magazine. Moreover, places from around the world, including Japanese alleyways and old Western style buildings have also been spotted.

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It has been disclosed that the game’s story has a lost to do with traveling to the moon and modifying the human body. It will revolve around protagonist Mondo Zappa, who gets called by a private state agency called The Execution Office. Being an assassin, he is instructed to carry out certain planned executions. Most of the combat will take place in a close-range style, and hence, swords and acrobatic moves will be involved.

Zappa’s left arm features modifications that can help him transform it into various weapons such as a drill, a gun and more. Upgrades will be available throughout the game. Furthermore, a special attack has also been described by Suda 51 in his interview. Players will be able to absorb their enemy’s blood for using a powerful attack called ‘Adrenalin Burst’ which causes a large amount of blood to gush out when they decapitate them.

Grasshopper Manufacture’s last major outing had come in the form of Lollipop Chainsaw which was received with mixed reactions. Our own review granted it a humble 7/10. Late last year came Black Knight Sword which was developed by the studio in conjunction with Digital Reality. This action platformer is a downloadable title available now via PSN and Xbox Live.

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Killer is Dead, its next game, is set to come out in Japan sometime during the summer of this year. A western release date is still to be announced.

Update: The game has been confirmed for a worldwide release for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in summer 2013.

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