Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC release date declared

The release date for the Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC, which was announced by EA when the game was launched, has come to the fore finally. Gamers waiting to expand their campaign experience by jumping into this additional content won’t have to cool their heels for long, as it will be made available as early as on March 12, 2013. A trailer for the add-on has been introduced as well, granting gamers a glimpse into what they can expect from it.

Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC

The Awakened DLC for Dead Space 3 is said to take the series’ saga into its darkest chapter yet. Its action transpires on the abandoned ship of Terra Nova which has now assumed the role of a temple for extreme Unitologists. Trapped inside it, the two protagonists, Isaac Clarke and John Carver are now faced with trying to escape the horrors that befall them within this ship in the form of encounters like ‘corridors decorated with human blood’ and ‘body parts from sacrificial offerings.’ And once again, their dementia is there to haunt them with hallucinations of their past.

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This is the first piece of add-on content that is being doled out for the title since its launch in February this year. The game has been grabbing quite some attention thanks to its advanced third-person shooter attributes that have been complemented well by horror and co-op mechanics, with the latter being a first for the extremely revered series. Built using developer Visceral Games’ proprietary engine, it does not include any sort of competitive multiplayer offerings.

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The first entry to this franchise had come out in 2008, making the title a center of attention for players and critics alike, for its unique horror-based gameplay. Then in 2011 came its second iteration, which too gained a lot of popularity. Between these years, in 2009 and 2010 to be exact, two spin-offs were launched for different platforms, while 2011 also saw a mobile game coming out under the series. Moreover, the franchise has even extended its limits to other media through comic books, dramatizations and more.

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Shifting our attention back to the Dead Space 3 Awakened DLC, it can be noted that it will be out next week through PSN, Xbox Live and Origin, and will sell at a price of 9.99 USD (approx. Rs. 540) or 800 Microsoft Points for the respective platforms.

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