Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Dementium: The Ward Announced for Nintendo DS

Video game developer Renegade Kid has sent word that they are working with Gamecock Media Group for the launch of their first game, “Dementium: The Ward” for the Nintendo DS. The game is an action-adventure, first-person shooter with elements of survival horror. It has full 3D visuals and aims to set the bar for mature handheld games.

Dementium: The Ward Screenshots

Dementium – The Ward Overview:

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    Dementium: The Ward tells the story of a man who wakes up to find himself alone in a mysterious, abandoned hospital that is frozen in time. Confronted by the deadly, monstrous surgical experiments that wander the halls, a series of challenging puzzles and a cast of peculiar characters, he must face his deepest fears, unlock the mysteries of the hospital, and escape with his life. A completely new experience on the Nintendo DS, Dementium promises to creep you out with gory visuals and bone-chilling audio that brings the world screaming to life.

Jools Watsham, Owner & Creative Director of Renegade Kid says, “Renegade Kid is looking to move above and beyond what most games are attempting on the DS, and with Gamecock we havve found a publisher who is supportive, developer friendly, and willing to give us the freedom to create the game we want. Dementium showcases what a powerful piece of hardware the DS is, while drawing in a grown-up crowd that’s looking for a title they can really sink their teeth into.”

Harry Miller, Head of Development, Gamecock Media Group explains, “From the first meeting, Renegade Kid have proven themselves to be innovative, bold to push the ‘norms’ of gaming and extremely talented, all of which we think are the key characteristics of a great developer. It’s great when you can sit down with a developer who shares the same vision of where games should be going in creating new and exciting titles to offer an option to the bland remakes and sequels flooding stores today.”

Gamecock Media Group, who will publish Dementium: The Ward for Nintendo DS, has not given a specific release date. The game seems to be similar to the Dead & Furious game that was announced some time ago for the DS. That means, DS gamers will now get two horror shooters to play with!

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