Friday, April 12, 2024

Sony mulling over PSP with HDD: Jack Tretton

Though speculations about a new PlayStation Portable have been going from the last two years, there has not been any major revelation about a new PSP from Sony’s side. Now gaming blog Kotaku is reporting that Sony are considering a PSP that will have a hard drive.


Jack Tretton is the president and chief executive officer of SCEA. He revealed, “I think we definitely thought about it. I think that’s the trend moving forward.” He informed that as the cost of memory goes south and Sony’s announcement for ability to purchase movies on a PS3, which can be moved to the PSP, there could be a chance that a new version of PSP could have some sort of internal storage option.

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The SCEA head honcho spoke about the Universal Media Disc (UMD) too and said that he thinks that the optical disc medium has struggled. He pointed out that movies that are digitally distributed will either complement the UMD movie’s struggle or will be the stake in the heart of the Universal Media Disc.

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