Friday, April 12, 2024

380 PS3 Games by March 2008: Kazuo Hirai

Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) President Kazuo Hirai Yes, it is true! Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) President Kazuo Hirai has been quoted by Japanese business newspaper Nikkei. He said in an interview that around 200 games and 180 download-only titles would be launched for the PS3 in the current business year to March 2008.

As of now, PS3 gamers have a choice of 60 games and 50 download only titles. However, there is a chance that Kaz Hirai must have misquoted the numbers. If Sony is planning to release 200 normal games along with 180 downloadable games, they will have to release twenty new games and eighteen online titles every month! Kaz Hirai also indicated that his firm would work with game software publishers on marketing, including events and in-store promotions to make sure that there is a boost in the release of games.

Just a few weeks ago, we had reported that the Nintendo Wii was outselling the PS3 five to one. If Sony wants to regain the strong foothold it had during the PS2 days, it will have to come up with quality rather than quantity. As we have mentioned before, the real test for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will come in Christmas 2007.

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