Friday, April 12, 2024

Demand for PS3 is going Down

The final verdict is out, it seems. Gamers don’t want the PS3, instead they badly want the Wii.

PS3 Demand goes down

Most of the stores in the US have truckloads of PS3 in stock. It is the 60 GB versions that are still on the shelves. What’s more surprising, even though the holiday season just went by, no one wanted to buy a PS3. There are some stores who have around 20 – 30 PS3 consoles just lying around. It looks that the only people who have bought the PS3 are the ones who had used the PS2.

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Nintendo Wii has surely stolen the thunder from Sony PS3. Not that it is cheaper, but it is offering what Sony had given way back in 1997 with the PlayStation, that is unique gameplay. PS3 has failed to live up the hype.

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