Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Nintendo Launches Nationwide Sampling Events for Dragon Quest IX

Earlier this month, the new Dragon Quest franchise loaded video game screens with gameplay narrating the floating kingdom of Celestrains in the Observatory. Now, players across the US can derive new interactive demo opportunities and special downloadable content for Dragon World IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Plus, Nintendo has announced that those who carry their Nintendo DS system and game card to the upcoming sampling event can obtain special downloadable treasure maps. They can also connect with other players to experience the game’s cooperative ‘Tag Mode’ feature.

Dragon Quest IX

‘The Ultimate Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Experience’ will be hosted by select GameStop stores across the US. This event would take visitors through guided demos and let them connect with other fans of the series. Those who attend the event can lay their hands on a special downloadable treasure map titled ‘Zoma’ which will be available through the game’s Tag Mode feature. Best Buy retail stores too will host sampling events and offer the ‘Estark’ treasure map. Both the treasure maps will mark their North American debut at the respective events.

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Chosen shopping malls across the country will hold the sampling events over several weekends. Visitors can come across the title’s rich customization options and multiplayer fun at these events. In addition, they can access the downloadable ‘Malroth’ treasure map. The company has also disclosed that gamers must set the Tag mode by running the game on their system in order to download treasure maps. As they arrive in the town of Stornway in the game, they can turn on the particular mode by talking to Erinn at the Quester’s Rest Inn.

Commencing a new journey on an epic hand-held adventure, gamers can select their look, occupation, companions and special items to conquer their quest. They can also indulge in cooperative multiplayer quests by wirelessly connecting with their friends.

GameStop stores will host the event tomorrow while Best Buy will offer insights from Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on August 7, 2010. The weekend sampling events will be conducted at shopping malls from August 7 to September 19 this year.

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