Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Demon’s Souls Servers Don’t Go Up Until Launch

Demon’s Souls is an open ended action role playing game exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game has already been released for a Japanese audience and is scheduled to release to North America on October 6, 2009. And 1UP is reporting that even if you have managed to get your hands on a copy of the game earlier than its scheduled release, you will have to wait a while for the full and total experience.

Demon's Souls Screenshot

This is apparently because North American publisher Atlus says that the Dedmon’s Souls servers won’t go online until the day of the launch. So those desperately wanting to force themselves into other players’ adventures will just have to wait till the Demon’s Souls launch day. Other features of online play include co-operative play though the levels of the game, and the ability to see how other players have died.

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Atlus has shared this information to make sure that “there’s as little worry, panic, confusion, mass hysteria, riots in the streets, armaggeddons, etc… as possible.” The Demon’s Souls servers will go up on October 6, 2009, the same day the game launches.

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