Friday, April 12, 2024

Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Review

The folks over at Razer have been sculpting varied products to tag along with gamers across various landscapes for a smooth sail. And given the number of products released annually, enthusiasts can comfortably put their feet up through the course. We’ve been doing the same while unraveling avenues alongside the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Elite Mechanical gaming keyboard. First unveiled at the gamescom 2010, this piece of engineering is both attractive and stern. To know what the keyboard actually has to offer, we’ve unboxed it for a review. Here is a whirlwind account of how it further stretches the saga of the popular BlackWidow.

Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Keyboard

A first look at the device and we were transported back to the 60s and 70s when typewriters formed a major part of any company’s machinery. Though the device doesn’t flaunt an exactly similar outfit, it boasts of a parallel interface and structure with reference to its keys. As you type on the device, it merely reinforces this feeling with the generated click-like sound. This sound can be attributed to its mechanical nature which generally infuses an actual, physical switch beneath each of the buttons. The dip of the buttons is another factor which contributes to the clicking sound but we found ourselves in awe of it really soon. The height of these keys, as if arranged on a slope, decreases from top to bottom. The row at the summit stands tall and as your fingers move down towards the space button, the loftiness descends.

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Sheathed in glossy black apparel, the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate has a silken texture that can almost make your fingers slip with the Razer logo entrenched at the center on the lower edge. As opposed to a usual Microsoft or Logitech keyboard, this one is a bit condensed and compact. This, in turn, has influenced the interface which required us to take some time out before settling for a comfort zone. However, its elevation level is higher than a normal keyboard even when not on stands. The right hand panel of the device sports a USB port along with an audio and microphone jack. Further, its braided cable comes with two USB connectors as well as microphone and headphone plugs. Connecting the device to your PC system is effortless. Plug in the connectors and you can get going. Gamers can also download and install required drivers from the official Razer website for handy customization.

Razer BlackWidow Ultimate

The main structure of the keyboard contains both familiar and unfamiliar keys with the inclusion of a macro button column on the extreme left edge of the device. This vertical pillar comprises five keys which let you assign a variety of functions to them. We recorded a few commands and then applied the same through our in-game environment to perform a string of actions with a single click. But creating macro keys again boils down to players’ acquaintance with the in-game environment and thereby the appropriate commands for executing actions in question. If crafted properly, macros can save a whole chunk of your time with its efficient and smooth commands. The device makes way for such time-saving efforts and registering macros with the help of the Razer software is, well, simple.

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The rest of the keyboard pretty much retains the same structure as any other device in the league. The only difference being that the buttons are sculpted into blocks as if in the shape of small-sized ice cubes. The additional keys on the board include the FN button and the aforesaid macro buttons. The FN key can be employed in combination with several other buttons such as F11, F12 and the right Alt. When pressed together with F11, it turns on the game mode whereas those who like indulging in the luminous show wielded by Razer can combine FN with F12 for rolling out five levels of LED-backed lighting. Besides, the F1, F2, F3, F5, F6, F7 and F8 buttons have been carved out to double up as media keys. So, there aren’t any dedicated media or profile switching keys which made us sulk a bit.

BlackWidow Ultimate Keyboard

Thanks to the customization fold crafted in the BlackWidow icon tray, you can attune the device as per your liking. The Razer BlackWidow Ultimate has been classified into three segments namely assign keys, manage profiles and manage macros. If you are uncomfortable with some of the included default controls, allot the same functions via the ‘assign keys’ option to other buttons which can deliver results with greater precision. This section also offers the option to assign or import a saved macro and the ability to switch profiles. You can save up to 10 profiles while the software also allows gamers to program an on the fly macro button for assistance.

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Now coming to what we like doing the most, here’s how worthy this weapon is in a combat zone. While we were fighting it out in the CounterStrike and Unreal Tournament 3 battlefields, the immense accuracy and seamless movements churned out by the keyboard gratified our quench for fast-paced actions. The propensity of the keyboard for speed literally took us by its side as we drove across circuits through Need for Speed world and Split/Second. When it comes to sports-based titles like FIFA 11, the device extends the same 1ms response time as several other keyboards from the company. You realize the importance of a quirky and quick play only on the field as you move at a considerably swift pace, dribbling the ball and kicking it into the goal post.

BlackWidow Ultimate

Unlike other Razer products which often come attuned for gaming needs alone, the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate is extremely pleasing around non-gaming aspects as well. It is simple to type in text and the dip not only helps but also boosts your typing speed. The dip can be a little disturbing initially but once you get a hang of it, there is no looking back. Its 2mm actuation depth and 50g actuation force blend together to render an enriching and easy on fingers performance. We applied the varied aforementioned schemas to optimize our experience. When we didn’t, the keyboard still managed to satiate much of our needs and even whims.

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The Final Word: The responsiveness of the keyboard and its efficient behavior is more than satisfying, extending an almost excellent experience. Its 1000Hz polling rate engineers accuracy into gaming actions while the other features add to the overall result. Whether its design or performance, the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Elite Mechanical keyboard does justice to everything gaming with full impact. And so is the case when scanned for non-gaming areas. Tagged with a price label of Rs. 9,300, it is both impressive and worth adding to your personal game arsenal.

Looks: 8/10.
Functionality: 9/10.
Comfort: 9.5/10.
Overall (not an average): 9/10.

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