Friday, April 12, 2024

“Sudoku Master” To Launch on Nintendo DS

Sudoku Master Screenshots Nintendo has announced “Sudoku Master”, a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS. Sudoku has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as the game can be played by everyone regardless of their age. Puzzle games like these can be beneficial for the brain too.

About Sudoku Master:

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Sudoku Master is the ultimate collection of more than 400 Sudoku puzzles and allows you to play a different game at any time! If you haven’t played it before, the rules are fairly simple. The aim of the numerical logic-based puzzle is to enter a number ranging from one to nine in each cell of a nine by nine grid, made up of nine three by three sub-grids. Each puzzle starts off with some numbers already provided in a few cells – these are the hints. As the puzzles increase in difficulty, players find the number of hints given decreases. It is then up to the player to make sure that each row, column and three by three sub-grids have only one instance of each number. Sudoku Master requires patience and lots of lateral thinking ability to complete it successfully!

Sudoku Master is expected to release on 27th October 2006.

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