Thursday, April 4, 2024

Namco, comes out with games to stall dementia in the elderly

Drumming Game by Namco Tokyo-based video game company, Namco has come out with videogames meant for elderly people. In Japan’s rapidly ageing society, more and more older people are looking for ways to keep them active and alert for longer. The games developed by scientists will, it is claimed, help to delay the onset of dementia.

At a Tokyo day-care centre for the elderly people, two old ladies are practicing drumming in time to the music on the type of huge electronic game you see teenagers huddled around in amusement arcades. They bash away in front of the flashing lights as the golden oldies blast out from the speakers on either side. Nearby another lady is trying to operate a small crane to try to win some sweets. These are just some of the games which help to keep these elderly people’s brains and bodies fit.

The idea behind this is to entertain a new generation while keeping them healthy and active. This facility is run by the video game company Namco. “With our low birth rate,” said Namco spokesman Yoshiaki Kawamura. “It’s obvious we’re going to be dominated by people over the age of 60 from now on. They want to have fun in their lives. The computer game industry for the elderly is a growing market for us.”

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