Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Create your own Magic Recipes with Two World’s new Alchemy System feature

Two Worlds Logo

TopWare Interactive’s popular role playing game for the PC, ‘Two Worlds’ has just gotten more magical. A new feature called the ‘Alchemy System’ has been introduced in the game. So how will this affect in game players? Well, for starters, players will be able to take experimentation with the unknown to a whole new level. Are you yet clueless? Well, read on.

A number of alchemical substances such as magical elixirs, poisoned traps, shrapnel bombs, magical power-ups for weapons and more have been introduced in Two Worlds. You can use these powers and ingredients to gain health, power and more. And that is not all. There are herbs, mushrooms, ready-to-drink potions, minerals and parts of dead animals and monsters (yuck) to gain even more health and power. So as you can see the possibilities are endless, and all you got to do is keep on experimenting.

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All you have to do is simply drag-and-drop your selected ingredients from the inventory to the cooking pot. And, voila, you have something special brewing!

And that is still not all. If you are happy with the outcome of your experimentation, you can name your formula by giving it a special name, after which you can save it in your cookbook. You can also trade your magical recipes with others for cash or kind.

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