Friday, April 12, 2024

Excitebike, Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse Announced for the American VC by Nintendo

Nintendo has announced three new classic games for the Wii Shop Channel. American gamers will now be able to play Excitebike, Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse on their Nintendo Wii.

Excitebike & Beyond Oasis Covers

Here are the details of the games:

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Excitebike (NES, 1 player, 500 Wii Points):

    Face wild curves, hairpin turns, and daredevil jumps as you race toward the checkered flag and the Excitebike championship. Race against the clock or challenge an opponent. You must keep your bearings as you fly through the air and avoid being clipped by other racers. Stay cool under pressure or your bike will overheat. If you get tired of racing on the circuit, create your own course in Design Mode. There you have access to all the ramps, mounds, bridges, and other obstacles Excitebike has to offer.

Beyond Oasis (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points):

    You are Prince Ali, who has discovered a buried gold armlet. This armlet once belonged to a wizard who waged a long war against the evil wielder of a silver armlet. The silver armlet was used to generate chaos and destruction, while the gold armlet had the power to summon four spirits: the water spirit “Dytto,” the fire spirit “Efreet,” the shadow spirit “Shade,” and the plant spirit “Bow.” To stop the person who first discovered the ancient silver armlet and is again using it for evil, Prince Ali travels the land of Oasis, steadily acquiring the ability to summon the four spirits. Use your wits and speed to claim the silver armlet!

SPLATTERHOUSE (TurboGrafx16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points):

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Rick and Jennifer, both parapsychology students at the local university, are visiting West Mansion, site of the research lab where the famed Dr. West conducted some of his most gruesome experiments. A sudden storm forces them to find shelter inside the mansion. Once inside, they are attacked by monsters. Jennifer is kidnapped and Rick is knocked unconscious. Hours later, Rick awakes to find himself covered in blood, with the Terror Mask stuck to his face. His only hope is to depend on the ancient powers of the mask to give him the strength and courage to find Jennifer. Now Rick’s fight has begun! Splatter your way through seven stages of side-scrolling horror action. Armed with cleavers and shotguns, Rick must fight his way through the monsters of West Mansion and defeat the bosses at the end of every stage. The sinister music, gruesome monsters, gory action and shocking events leading up to the finale will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Excitebike, Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse will go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. I can’t wait to play Excitebike. It was so much fun to play the game on the NES. It will be a great experience to play it on the Wii.

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