Friday, April 12, 2024

Texas Hold’Em Poker, Spaceball: Revolution for WiiWare

This week Nintendo has sent word of three WiiWare titles, two DSiWare titles and one Virtual Console game as part of the Nintendo Download for the week. Texas Hold’Em Poker, Spaceball: Revolution and Mart Racer are available on WiiWare, Art Academy: First Semester and Oscar in Toyland hit the DSiWare, while Crash ‘N The Boys Street Challenge is available in the VC section.

Texas Hold'Em Poker

Texas Hold’Em Poker is from Gameloft and can be played by one to six players. Featuring the Tournament, Heads-up and Cash Game modes, the game can be played with the Wii Remote and players can import their Mii to sit at the table at some of the world’s most famous casinos. The online mode allows players to create their own tournaments or join the official Gameloft ones. Players can try to oust other poker-faced players, and at the same time try not to get felted themselves. Texas Hold’Em Poker is for 600 Wii Points.

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Spaceball: Revolution

Spaceball: Revolution is the WiiWare title in which players must steer around 15 diabolical levels while reconstructing figures with the help of space energy balls. Racing against the clock, Wii gamers have to evade the many obstacles that may get in their way, and activate the right boxes. Spaceball: Revolution is from Virtual Toys for one or two players and can be purchased for 800 Wii Points. The game features four difficulty levels, Easy, Normal, Advanced and Master.

Mart Racer from JoJu Games as WiiWare has players rushing to shop for various items before these items are grabbed up by rival shoppers. Players can stun their opponents with objects like plungers, and even steal items from opponents’ shopping carts, all this while avoiding the stores’ security guards. The game can be played against computer opponents or up to three friends. Mart Racer is available for 800 Wii Points.

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Art Academy: First Semester

The first DSiWare title is Art Academy: First Semester which is from Nintendo for one player. The game guides players through the basics of pencil and paint art. Players learn techniques for applying texture and blending, plus methods to portray light and shade. The Free Paint mode allows players to select and draw from photos in the Nintendo DSi Camera Album. Art Academy: First Semester can be purchased for 800 Nintendo DSi Points.

In the second DSiWare title this week, Oscar in Toyland, players get to meet Oscar and experience a fabulous jump-and-run game which is easy to play and filled with many hours of fun and action. The game features hundreds of collectibles and toys and animals, as well as bonus and bogus mini games. Oscar can use wings to fly, springy shoes to jump about, and his secret weapon, his magical Yo-Yo, to zap enemies. Oscar in Toyland is from Virtual Playground for one player, and can be purchased by redeeming 800 Nintendo DSi Points.

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Crash ‘N The Boys Street Challenge makes it to the VC this week. Originally for the NES, the game is published by Aksys Games and is for one or two players. Todd Thornley has had enough of Crash and the Southside boys, and decides to take them down in an “unsanctioned street challenge”. Many challenges are featured in the game including the 400 metre hurdles, pole vault and more. Crash ‘N The Boys Street Challenge can be purchased for 500 Wii Points.

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