Sunday, April 7, 2024

Wiiitis – New Condition Named by Doctor

Years ago, a Wisconsin doctor had named a condition after the Nintendo game. It was called as Nintendinitis, which had affected a thirty five year old woman. Now, Dr. Julio Bonis, a physician in Spain has named Wiiitis (pronounced as ‘wee-eye-tis’), after being affected by playing the Nintendo Wii.

Wiiitis - New Condition Named by Doctor

One Sunday, he woke up to find that he had a sore shoulder and he discovered that it felt like a sports injury. He later figured that he was playing a lot of Wii Sports on his Nintendo Wii. In a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Bonis wrote, “The variant in this patient can be labeled more specifically as ‘Wiiitis’. The treatment consisted of ibuprofen for one week, as well as complete abstinence from playing Wii video games. The patient recovered fully”

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Dr. Julio Bonis is of the view that Nintendo’s next-gen console can captivate people for hours. So unlike normal real sports where physical strength and endurance are the limiting factors, Wii does not have anything which makes people realize that it is time to stop. However, he has not found other cases of Wiiitis in his clinical practice.

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