Thursday, April 11, 2024

Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish Released for Nintendo DSi in Europe

Indie developer and digital publisher Engine Software annoucend recently, the launch of Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish which is now available for purchase in Europe as a Nintendo DSiWare. Said to include retro pixel art and more than eighty diverse animations for the goldfish, this title also kicks in a level editor for players to customize their gameplay.

Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish 1

Acting as a sequel to Flipper, which was outed in 2010 as a DSiWare, this offering features the same boy who was the protagonist in the first game. Only this time, gamers get to play as the fish instead of the boy. While Flipper had the boy going all out to save his fish, Flipper 2 sees the reverse of it, as it puts the fish in control of the boy’s fate. Named Flush, this creature will be helped on its quest to save the boy by a robotic suit.

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“Flush is a single button game: in each level using the button will result in a different action,” Hugo Smits, founder of Goodbye Galaxy Games and spiritual father of the Flipper games, revealed. “It is up to the player to figure out how to use this action to get across the screen…actions can be anything really, from jumping or running to floating, shooting bananas or fish-slapping an enemy.”

Flipper 2 will be made available in a total of five languages – English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Apart from pixel-art graphics and a large number of animations for the fish, this game also comprises a level editor that allows players to craft even more difficult puzzles for Flush to beat.

Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish 2

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Flipper 2: Flush the Goldfish can be purchased now for the Nintendo DSi through the European DSi Shop at a price of 5 Euros (approx. Rs. 265).

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