Friday, April 5, 2024

Bejeweled Twist, Littlest Pet Shop Available as DSiWare

This week on Nintendo DSiWare five titles have been added. These are Bejeweled Twist, Littlest Pet Shop, Master of Illusion Express: Matchmaker, Miami Nights, and Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam.


Bejeweled Twist is from PopCap Games for one or two players. The game offers a brilliant new way to play, as you spin, match and explode gems for shockwaves of fun. You can rotate gems to create explosive combinations, and outwit obstacles like Locks and Bombs. The game can be played in Classic mode or in the exclusive Nintendo DS Battle mode. Bejeweled Twist can be purchased by redeeming 500 Nintendo DSi Points.

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Littlest Pet Shop is from EA and for one player. You can experience your favourite Littlest Pet Shop pets in completely new ways. You can even play catch with your pets and dress them up with new accessories, and brush and feed them. The game also allows you to throw a small dance party for your pets. Littlest Pet Shop is available for 800 Nintendo DSi Points.

Master of Illusion Express: Matchmaker is from Nintendo and for one player. The game features two tricks which make use of the DSi system to reveal information about others. The Photo Diagnosis trick pinpoints people’s exact age by two simple photos. The Matchmaker trick shows that another person has favourite dates or foods similar to yours. Master of Illusion Express: Matchmaker is available for 200 Nintendo DSi Points.

Miami Nights is a life simulation title from Gameloft. You must first choose and customize your avatar which can be done with an unprecedented level of physical detail. Your life choices and everyday behaviour will determine or influence the more than 40 attributes in the game. You can take your avatar to explore the city of Miami and you’ll be able to customize your home as well as interact with the environment and characters in many ways. Miami Nights has been given a teen rating and is available for 800 Nintendo DSi Points.

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Lastly for DSiWare we have Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam. The game casts you as a chef for some of the most extravagant restaurants, as you satisfy the hunger of a diverse array of diners including vampires, extra-terrestrials, mafia thugs, Vikings and more. You must also whip up some fast food items such as hot dogs, hamburgers, pizzas and Mexican burritos quickly so that customers don’t get tired of waiting and leave. Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam is available for 500 Nintendo DSi Points.

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