Saturday, April 6, 2024

Style Savvy game fashioned for Nintendo DS and DSi

Fashionistas have reason to cheer with Nintendo’s newly released video game. The company has let out the Style Savvy video game for Nintendo DS and DSi consoles. The game demands that players combine a fashion and business-sense to run a clothes store that hosts designer labels.

Nintendo Style Savvy

The game may be played by up to four players simultaneously if connected to a local wireless network. Players can compete in runway shows, while two users standing 30 feet apart may drop into the each others’ stores. The game has 16 designer labels with individual styles and price points. The clothing options and patterns vary according to actual seasons clocked on the Nintendo DS’s calendar settings.

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“Style Savvy inspires players to help customers express their style and creativity, all while managing a store, including budget and inventory,” explained Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive VP of Sales & Marketing. “The game includes more than 10,000 clothing items, shoes and accessories, which invite endless creative possibilities.”

Players must style visiting customers according to their individualities, interests, needs and budgetary limits. Satisfied clients will revisit the store if they have been dressed to look their best. Gamers may replenish their stock of clothes when they have sold enough to allow for it. Available clothing styles are adjusted according to the game’s adaptation of the Nintendo systems’ seasonal cycles.

Additionally, owners can access Charlotte Ronson’s Designer Downloads. The designer’s fall 2009 collection may be downloaded directly into the game by players with wireless broadband internet connectivity. Style Savvy can be purchased from several online retailers including Amazon, Best Buy, Target and others.

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