Thursday, April 4, 2024

Xbox 360 Laptop Mod Adds a Twist to Original Xbox 360 Design

You might see many mods popping up on the Ben Heck forums. And even as Ben is quite the expert in taking apart an Xbox 360 and putting it back again, albeit in a different form, CollinE, a member from the Ben Heck forums has put together his very own Laptop device fashioned from the Xbox 360, which does have a very professional look to it.

Xbox 360 Laptop

The Xbox 360 Laptop has a gigantic ‘X’ on the top lid and features a stunning red and black colour scheme which gives it an elegant look, and frankly, a look quite different from your average Xbox 360 console.

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The Xbox 360 laptop mod apparently has five fans to ensure proper cooling, which make whirring sounds to trick you into believing you’re standing right in the heart of a wind tunnel. It also has an Ethernet port, three USB ports, and a headphone jack. It uses a Falcon motherboard and an HDMI to DVI adaptor for the video. The case is made from fine Sintra/Komatex which is both strong and workable, while the paint is Krylon Fusion.

The Xbox 360 laptop has been put up on eBay and has already received 35 bids, the highest being a bid of 960 USD (approx. Rs. 44,660).

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