Friday, April 12, 2024

Microsoft Sued Over Xbox Fire

A family in Illinois has sued Microsoft over a fire caused by the power cords of their game console. They are taking them to court for the loss of life and property. However, the suit mentions that the fire, which occurred in 2004, was caused by the Xbox 360 console. That’s surprising as Xbox 360 was not even released then.

Microsoft Sued Over Xbox Fire

A Microsoft spokesperson said, “Microsoft recently learned about this tragic incident that occurred in December 2004. Our sympathy is with the family. However, we are not aware of any evidence that an Xbox caused the fire. Also, the complaint specifically states that an Xbox 360 was involved, but this version of the console was unavailable for purchase at that time.”

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The Illinois family is seeking damages in excess of $50,000. Their infant son Wade Kliner lost his life in that fire. Wal-Mart is also being sued by the family. However, they will have to clarify that it was the Xbox, and not the Xbox 360 that causes the fire. Microsoft has refused to reveal more details regarding the lawsuit.

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