Friday, April 12, 2024

Microsoft surprises kid who gave up Christmas present for charity with Xbox One X

About 3 years ago, Ohio resident Mikah Frye and his family lost their home to a financial crisis. They spent a few weeks living in homeless shelters. It was an experience that clearly made an impression on Mikah. So this year, the selfless 9-year old decided to forgo getting an Xbox One X for Christmas and make a thoughtful donation to charity instead.

After noticing homeless people while out with his family, Mikah spoke to his grandmother, Terry Brant, about how they keep warm during cold winters. He felt that offering them blankets could be of help, even if just a little. So he decided to spend their would-be Xbox stash of $300 on blankets for those in need.

Mikah Frye

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They were donated to Ashland Church Community Emergency Shelter Services (ACCESS), one of the shelters the Frye family had turned to in their time of need. But what makes Mikah’s gift even more touching and highlights the thought he put into it were the handwritten notes he included with each and every blanket.

The notes read, “They gave me a blanket, but I had to leave it. That’s why I want you to have your own blanket. Today, I live in my own house, and someday you will too.” Luckily for Mikah, Fox 8 featured the story and it was noticed by the local Microsoft store. They reached out to his family to arrange a surprise for him.

Mikah was led through applauding employees and introduced to Santa who gave him a Minecraft-themed Xbox One X console, games and accessories. Whoever said no good deed goes unpunished was a sourpuss. And no, we’re not crying, you’re crying!

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SourceFox 8

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