Saturday, April 6, 2024

Ex-Sony Chief Speaks About Nintendo Strategy’s, Praises Them

Nearly twenty years ago, Sony and Nintendo had tried working together to come up with a gaming product but things didn’t go as planned. However, Sony went ahead and come up with the PlayStation soon. From that time, they have given Nintendo stiff competition in the video games consoles space.

Nobuyuki Idei Sony

The Nintendo Wii has done better than the Sony PS3. But now the ex-Sony chief has spoken about Nintendo’s strategy and he has some nice words to say. Nobuyuki Idei is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Sony. Speaking with Financial Times about Japan and the electronic industry, Idei gave the example of the Wii and said the Nintendo senses what happens in the world and then acts on it.

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Nobuyuki Idei is seventy-one years old and was in charge of Sony from the late nineties to 2005. According to Idei, the technology based companies in Kyoto such as Nintendo make him optimistic about the future of the electronics industry in Japan. He pointed out that it will complement India and China rather than rival them.

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