Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Super-Rare NES Cartridge Auctioned for $20,100

Not many would even give a second look to any Nintendo Entertainment System game cartridge from an era long gone. Everyone is looking to get that all-new Xbox 360 or PS3 title which boasts of HD graphics and futuristic gameplay. But Kotaku is reporting that someone has paid 20,100 United States dollars for one very special collectible NES title, Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991.

NES Cartridge

The NES game actually contains three titles, Super Mario Bros. 3, Pin-Bot and Dr. Mario. And since Super Mario Bros. 3 is itself a rare collectible, that is money well spent. In actuality, it may so happen that Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 is the only cartridge of its kind. It was created for a nationwide college video game tournament hosted in 1991.

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The title was supposed to be destroyed after the promotion. But apparently, one employee was able to keep hidden a copy, making it possibly the last one of Nintendo Campus Challenge 1991 left. It is the only copy that the world knows exists.

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