Friday, April 5, 2024

Full-Time Content Raters to be Hired by Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB)

Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) has put up an advertisement that says that they are looking for “full-time” content raters who will rate the video games. This is what ESRB had to say:

Entertainment Software Ratings Board Advertisement

    After months of careful consideration, the ESRB will be switching from part-time to full-time raters in April 2007.

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    Having full-time raters will allow for each one to have greater experience actually reviewing content and recommending ratings, given the increased amount of time each one would spend doing it. This would provide each rater with a greater sense of historical parity for ratings, not to mention helping them to be more attuned to pertinent content and how it should be considered from a ratings standpoint.

    The full-time raters would also be responsible for play-testing final versions of the game, time permitting, which would allow for ESRB to play-test a greater number of games than it currently does. We will have more information available about these changes at a later date.

Until now, ESRB had only part-time content raters. They are particularly looking for people who line in New York USA. Looks like they want to tighten the noose on naught video game developers and make sure the video games are safe for kids. Damn, I just dropped my ‘Hot Coffee’!

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