Friday, April 12, 2024

“Dance Dance Revolution” Video Game to be Used in American Schools to Fight Obesity

Konami’s Dance Dance Revolution could soon be used in American public schools to fight obesity that is engulfing school students there. West Virginia that has the worst childhood obesity trouble in the United States will soon use the video game in its public schools.

Dance Dance Revolution in American public schools

A research was conducted and it showed that those who played Dance Dance Revolution at home for at least 30 minutes, five days per week maintained their weight and saw a reduction in some risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. The study’s control group comprised of a dozen children who did not play the game for the first 12 weeks, then did so for rest of the study period. Those children put on an average of 6 pounds during the first part of the study but saw their weight become stable in the second half.

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Emily Murphy, a pediatric exercise physiologist from the West Virginia University School of Medicine’s pediatrics department, who was part of the research team said, “Food intake was not monitored as part of the study. prior to the study, most of the children reported feeling awkward about participating in gym and physical activity at school. Following the study, children from the group reported feeling more confident and willing to try other exercises. It’s going to allow kids to be active in an after-school activity that’s not sports”

Just last month we had reported about a university professor who had recommended video games as a part of the school syllabus. Looks like, his voice has been heard by someone. Let us hope they use Dance Dance Revolution in Indian schools too. This way, Indian children will be less obese and gaming in India will get a positive impetus.

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